The population continues to grow, the demand for mobility is increasing disproportionately with the consequences: by 2040, according to the Federal 400 km or 20 percent of the Swiss national road network will be overloaded on a regular basis, and to 160 kilometres, there will be daily during two to four hours in a traffic jam or a traffic. Unless the policy responds. The national Council has done this yesterday – with a billion-dollar road program.

much more difficult the policy is, if you want to tackle the growing congestion problem with a different recipe: Mobility Pricing. Anyone who drives a lot, and on popular routes at attractive times, should pay more, who is in off-peak periods and on secondary routes on-the-go, less – and not only motorists but also public TRANSPORT users. All fixed charges such as the cantonal motor vehicle tax and motorway vignette could be eliminated, and also packages such as General abonnement (GA).

The Federal Council wants to distribute in this way, the traffic is better on the day. The population for mobility as a whole, but individually distributed differently than it is today to pay. After the attempt to win a Region for a pilot project, had unsuccessfully come to the end, the Federal Council commissioned in 2017, the Department of Transport (Detec), to test Mobility Pricing on the example of the Region of Zug with computational models. Approximate Cost: 750000 Swiss Francs.

10% decrease

First results are in, according to reports in the meantime. Accordingly, the traffic peaks in the city, you can train and the surrounding area to approximately a 10 percent break. Such a decline would be roughly equivalent to the Situation during the summer holidays, would relieve the pressure on the System so significantly. The lead Federal roads office (Astra) has not confirmed the Information, denied it: “The Work is not yet complete.” The Astra is therefore not position – not even to the question, what are the assumptions underlying the calculations. An Insider holds a levy of 6 cents per road kilometre, as well as a doubling of the Price during the peak hours on heavily frequented sections. And 20 centimes per kilometre Rail, with a surcharge factor of 1.25.

it was originally Planned that the SP Federal councillor Simonetta Sommarugas Detec will outline by next summer, the further course of action. May the project, the haunts for many years as an idea through which political debate is delayed. The Federal Council will in any case be located according to Astra is expected only in the second half of the year over the fate of the project. According to reports there is when it comes to public transport, open-ended questions, such as whether the GA is to be retained anyway. An abolition would provoke among public TRANSPORT users, without a doubt, a storm of protest.

Even without this measure, it has Mobility-Pricing is politically difficult. Bourgeois politicians do not want to increase the price of the traffic, the Left wants no (more) mark-UPS in public TRANSPORT. The small circle of the supporters of the GLP. It supports a moderate highway expansion, “so that the Road is not blocked,” as President Jürg Grossen says. “However, without a Mobility-Pricing, the functionality of the national roads in the future.”

Test with volunteers?

will be How meaningful the calculations of the Detec, is unclear. MP doubts whether the behaviour of the traffic participants can, on paper, determine how the Astra says. Therefore, should test in a next step, the volunteers completed a Mobility Pricing, the GLP – an Option that has not been discarded, the Federal Council, at least not yet, but it is also controversial. FDP national councillor Thierry Burkart says with a view to the open questions in the public TRANSPORT: “For a practice test it is far too early, as it should be without the involvement of the PT no field test.” Similar to Expo comment on ducks in the SVP. They fear, the whole Exercise will ultimately run on a pure road pricing of the car drivers at the expense.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 11.03.2019, 20:54 PM