It is a dark winter evening in the end of January, when the two cars cross the border between Sweden and Norway. This border crossing from the cutie brother to the home country goes last. No stopping them in customs. No follow apparently after them. In any case, not that they even notice.

But according to sources Dagbladet has talked to, to the situation a short time later to have been turned on its head. It turns out that the people in the two cars in no way been alone. All of a sudden turn the police. In the course of a few hours, the home addresses in the three counties searched. The bet is discouraging.

21 people indicted

– the Total seizures of the matter is, around 65 kg of amphetamine, 100 kilograms of hashish and seven kilos of råopium. We have revealed an organized network that has provided parts of Eastern norway with the drugs over time. Details about exactly where and how they have operated I will not go out with at the present time, ” says politiadvokat Åsmund Yli to Dagbladet.

POLITIADVOKAT: Åsmund Yli. Photo: Vegard Wivestad Grøtt / NTB scanpix Show more

the Case has grown substantially in scope since vinterdagen at the end of January, when police in Romerike together with Kripos and several other politidistrikter struck, during the campaign, which was named Operation “Crescendo”.

Narkotikabeslaget was done over a short period of time, but was a result of extensive and long term investigation at the Yli describes as “an environment”. In november the case was sent over to the prosecutor. Now, it is expected of an indictment, which probably will be ready just over the new year.

MUCH DOPE: The customs officials at Norway’s largest postal terminal to allow themselves to constantly surprise over avsendernes creativity. Reporter: Audun Hageskal / Video: John Terje Pedersen / Editing: Emilie RydningVis more Show more Came from Sweden

– We believe there is an obvious correlation between the seizures. This is also the reason that we associate the people together to what we consider as a narkotikanettverk, explains the Yli.

According politiadvokaten have the 21 indicted in the case had different roles in the network. Police believe most of the drugs have come to Norway from Sweden shortly before pågripelsene.

routine checks gave storbeslag:
In kjøkkenskuffen was drugs worth several million

While some of the persons charged to have been responsible for the importation and transport, to other have served as reception and distribution. In addition, a number of them received formal status as indicted as a result of the Yli describes as different tvangsmiddelbruk. Politiadvokaten stresses that it will be up to the higher public prosecutor’s office to assess how many ultimately to be addressed for the scene.

” We have had a separate etterforskningsgruppe who have worked with this, and a two-digit number of investigators. The work has resulted in charges of people in Oslo, Vestfold, Buskerud and Akershus. But the seizures were made in the two former counties. In addition to the drugs was seized electronic equipment and several weapons, ” says Yli.

the Suspected man after traffic control – on his farm, they found drugs everywhere Started with våpenbrekk

Nearly nine-month investigation was according to the police behind, then the documents in the previous month was submitted to the prosecutor. Dagbladet’s experience, however, that the police work with the network should have started much earlier than at this border crossing in January.

Just after midnight on the 31. July last year, used thieves a station wagon as a battering ram to torpedo the entrance of våpenforretningen Børselars. the Fully armed jerked several patrols and a politihelikopter out to våpenforretningen. But it was only in march of this year that someone was apprehended for the heist.

ESCAPING: the Thieves got away with several weapons, after the with a broken. Photo: Police Show more

Sjokkbrekket led to a tjuetall weapons went astray. According to sources Dagbladet has been in contact with, linking police våpenbrekket together with narkotikaligaen that now is gunning.

– so I have no comment for at the present time, ” says Yli.

Previous narkodømt

the Newspaper discovers that several of those charged in the case have heavy crime on the rullebladet, including extensive narkotikavirksomhet. As of today, all 21 released in anticipation of the trial.

Two of them were in the 2014 judged in the Danish law, for dealing with 260 kilograms of marijuana, and it should have been part of a network that was behind the smuggling from Denmark to Norway . One of them was sentenced to three and a half years in prison. According to sources Dagbladet has talked to, pointed this man out as the main character in the network the police now believe to have revealed.

DELBESLAG: the Seizures were made on a number of residential addresses in several counties. Photo: Police Show more

the Man got out from the prison in Denmark in 2016 and will be staying in Norway. He is also the former convicted of narkotikavirksomhet and multiple violations of the våpenloven.

My client does not acknowledge straffskyld for what he is charged with in connection with this case, says the man’s defender, lawyer Waqar Malik.

Also the other of the two men who was sentenced in Danish court refuses to have anything got to do.

He has been in five or six interrogation and explained himself to the police, and did not acknowledge straffskyld, ” says Øyvind Bergøy Pedersen is the man’s defense.

the Police would only check the Toyotaen – found something completely different than they had expected