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Early Friday morning detained the police four people after a woman called the emergency number and told me that she had been the victim of a voldshendelse at Torshov in Oslo during the morning hours.

– We have initiated the investigation of a voldshendelse in the vicinity of the Torshovparken, said avsnittsleder Morten Fosse in the Oslo police to the newspaper Dagbladet on-site.

STOPPED: Police detained four men on the spot. Here are two of them dressed in white suits, to ensure any traces. Photo: Karin Madshus / Dagbladet Show more

the Woman was today in the early run to the emergency room for a thorough check. She had a cut behind the ear, and it seemed like she was in shock, according to police.

First, the thought police that it could be to talk about a rape. But they struggled to get a good explanation from the woman, and was therefore currently uncertain on exactly what she should have been exposed to.

Some hours later, the police have been given more clarity in the sequence of events.

– This was not a rape, but a small voldshendelse with minimal damage. The four have not been arrested, ” says Janne Kroglund by krimvakta at 09.50.

More police street patrols dispatched to Nordkappgata in Oslo, where they had control of four people, who they described as a guttegjeng. The police got several of these to take on white solid outfits, to ensure any traces.

The four people the police had control of, voted according to the police along with the descriptions of the woman has come with.

Police believe voldshendelsen took place in an apartment in the vicinity of the Torshovparken. the

POLICE: Police went to a residential building on Torshov in Oslo in the aftermath of the event. Photo: Dagbladet Show more