– Monday (d. 8. 6. ) we were contacted by the police because of the ’dogfight’ between our oldest bitch Nova and a Danish Swedish gårdhund, who had gone to check on our reason.
– It should just be noted that Nova and my other three dogs have not before been problematic in the direction.
– the Police are only talking about Nova, and mentions in the conversation, nothing about that they will have all 4 dogs in the pension (or killed).
on Tuesday morning early at 7.00 dolls who saw 2 cops up. It feels like they are about to knock the house down.
– They will now pick up all 4 dogs.
so begins Joan M a letter to the nation! on the in her eyes of complete unfair treatment she and her dogs are exposed to. Joan understands, first, not, that the police believe the owner of the Danish/Swedish gårdhund. And secondly, she understands that it should not be illegal for a dog to defend its owner’s property. And for the third she understands not how the police can find to believe that her four dogs ’in association’ was behind the attack on the intruder dog.
Her letter – which The Police comment below – continues thus:
– During the episode goes the other 2 dogs away from Nova and the alien dog fighting.
And my third dog is inside with my daughter in the house.
My children are 16 and 21, who were at the home during the incident, has been questioned, but their statements have been ignored.
– Now my dogs are in hundepension indefinitely.
– Convicted for the killing, writes Joan, who even took the initiative to kill the Nova, as she could not keep the idea that the older dog that has been through an illness, was locked up in a foreign pension.
the nation! have sent Joans letter to The Police and asked what the reason is for that they have to take all the dogs, and the three dogs are now at risk of being sentenced to the killing? Police answer is:
– The Police can provide the following information in relation to your questions:
What is the reason to take all the dogs? the
– Our task is to create clarity over what actually happened in the situation. We do it from an objective approach to the investigation.
– It means that we need to collect information and clues from all involved in such a case.
– In this context, it may be necessary to ensure the dogs ‘ presence in relation to the investigation and the legal assessment of the case.
– In the concrete case, therefore, it is decided to place the dogs in a hundepension, while the investigation is in progress.
the three dogs risking to be sentenced to the killing?
– The decision will, if appropriate, only be made when the investigation is completed, write the police, but what are you thinking?