“The power failure affected the air traffic”
“the Problem with the power supply in the flygtornet meant that no planes were landing or lift during the torsdagseftermiddagen at the airport.”
“After a while the traffic starts again.”
“According to Swedavia, the error on the power loss in the flygtornet. They refer to the LFV that is responsible for flygtornet. “
“Even the air traffic in Svealand and Norrland is affected according to DN.”
” Right now, I don’t know much, but probably it is some kind of problem with the power supply. The planes are in the air to land but no planes get lift, ” said Per Fröberg, press officer at civil aviation authority, to DN.”
” It’s started again now, it was only for a short while. It has been a problem with the power supply, the focus has been on moving traffic, ” says Fröberg to Aftonbladet. “