Julian it is also important to political asylum was repealed, because the WikiLeaks founder had tried to create a ‘spionagecenter’ in the Ecuador embassy in London.

It says Ecuador’s president, Lenin Moreno.

It was unfortunate that from our territory, and with the permission of Ecuador’s previous government had provided facilities available at the embassy in London, so it was possible to make interference in the processes in other states, says Moreno.

– We can not allow our house – our house, which opened its doors – to be made into a spionagecenter.

Moreno came to power in may 2017, when he called Julian Assange a hacker. But at the same time, he assured that Ecuador would continue to give the founder of WikiLeaks asylum.

But he spoke of increasingly Assange as an ‘inherited problem’, which had caused Ecuador a hassle. On Thursday last week it was announced that WikiLeaks founder no longer had political asylum in Ecuador, and he was arrested at the country’s embassy in London.

Policy – 15. apr. 2019 – at. 08:13 the Former president of the furious attacks: The biggest traitor in the history

The Guardian says Morena, to the decision, which has now been taken on Assange, was based on international law and international rules.

it is also important to lawyer said Sunday that his client will cooperate with the Swedish authorities, if they resume a rape trial against him, but he stresses that Assange will continue to oppose extradition to the UNITED states.

Over 70 british politicians have, in a letter to the british government urged, that it is also important to be extradited to Sweden if the swedes want to prosecute him.

The now 47-year-old Assange was back in november 2010 called for by the Swedish police. He was suspected to have been abusing sexually on two Swedish women in august of the same year.

The Swedish case against Assange were filed in 2017. After his arrest considering the Swedish prosecutor on the case must be reopened.

Sweden has not yet officially asked to get Assange extradited.

The controversial WikiLeaks founder is accused of burglary of a regeringscomputer and dissemination of secret information about AMERICA’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.