the – WEAKENS the BLOCK: About a short time to Erna Solberg and Trine Skei Grande negotiate regjeringsplattform with the Progress and the progress party, but the bourgeois bloc, weakened by the fact that the Progress and Left to struggle. Photo: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet Show more

The last poll question before julefreden lowers itself provides a small progress for Erna Solberg and Right. They go up to 1.6 proentpoeng from 23,1 per cent in november to 24.7 per cent in December. The numbers are stronger than at the parliamentary election last year and would be given the Right to two additional representatives in Parliament.

There is still no reason to celebrate for prime minister Erna Solberg, who yesterday held its at the press conference.

With the Progress and Left under sperregrensa for utjevningsmandater, it rødgrønt the majority on the poll.

the Labour party, SV and the centre party would total received 92 mandates, while the bourgeois block has a total of 76 mandates.

Not a flicker

the Left goes back the second month in a row to 3 per cent, from 3.6 per cent in november.

We are of course not happy with this measurement. It shows that we have a huge job to do to show the results we achieve in government, and not least in the municipal councils and fylkestingene when lokalvalgkampen come in time, ” says parliamentary leader of the Left, Terje Breivik, who put their trust in regjeringsforhandlingene.

When we go into the new regjeringsforhandlinger of the year, there is a chance to show off the difference Left is, believe him.

Better get an attendance of 3.8 per cent, up 0.5 percentage points from november, when they lay on the 3.3.

– Left and the christian democratic party has struggles of both, and it helps to weaken the bloc to form a government, konstanterer valgforsker Bernt Aardal.

– Some of the KrFs voters have gone to the Ap, but also some to the Right, ” he says.

According to Aardal shows the last measurement, the relatively high stability for the voters, but not Liberal party voters.

– the background material shows that the leaks both to the left and the right, and they have many that sit on the fence. It is a challenge, and it is in line with several other measurements in the autumn, ” says valgforskeren.

Ernas christmas present to the conservative party and the Progress: Alerts negotiations on the back burner and requires loyalty

There has been hovedmønsteret that they lie under the sperregrensa, so it suggests that this is not just a flicker, he states.

Erna is not worried about

Over the new year period to Erna Solberg lead regjeringsforhandlinger with the Left, the Progress and conservative party, but she doesn’t make samarbeidspartienes weak measurements.

the Government has done a lot in the last year, and when the political passage becomes more visible going forward so I think all the four parties will make it better. I look forward to starting negotiations with the progress party, the Left and the Progress in January, ” says Erna Solberg, who else is looking forward of your progress for a private party.

– It is always nice to take with an increase of Right into christmas, but it is a long time to the next election, ” she says.

28.5 per cent of the Ap

the Labour party goes back to 2.7 percentage points from 31,2 in november to 28,5 in December. Desembermålinga is 0.9 percentage points higher than at the election in 2017.

‘ve lost all respect for Hareide

According to Bernt Aardal is this the opposite of the tendency in the opinion polls seen during one of the last few months.

– It is a weak rising tendency of the Ap and the weak falling to the Right, while for the Frp goes up and down a little, ” he says.

the Ap has consistently been over the election results from 2017 on the measurements this fall. It suggests that we get to present the policy, and that people like what they see, thinks the deputy Hadia May.

Rekordmåling for A

SW has, however, a progress of 2 percentage points from the previous month. The support of 8.1 percentage points is the best for the SV of the material from Ipsos on 9 years.

– This is a brilliant new addition on the way into the christmas season, and shows that people are concerned about fair distribution and the environment. This prods to battle against a majority rule that will increase the inequality and give more to those who have the most, says SV leader Audun Lysbakken.