“The proposal if the state ID is important – but politically osexigt”
“the press Conference, when a new bill is being presented is a good indication of how political hot a topic is.”
“Today’s presentation of the future of id cards gets a third on a scale of 1-5, but that is not the issues that concern all of us necessarily substances which lead to invitations to tv.”
“At the top of the hierarchy are right now new terrorlagar, as ministers for their political survival, one must introduce in season and out of season.”
“Then taking the responsible minister alone care about the show to avoid the risk that the that can the substance, that is to say, the investigator, the following is a part of valuable time in radio, tv and newspapers.”
“Other proposals have so low status that they are presented by a sudden placed on something the ministry’s website, of interest only to extreme nerds and possibly investigator’s doting mother.”
“If the sore modern yet are in the life want to say, then, in general, any retired old stud who has been called in to do the job.”
“Wednesday’s event at the department of justice places itself in the middle. Interior minister Mikael Damberg, for the day dressed in a blue suit, and something daring plaid socks, was certainly in place, but let Inga-Lill Askersjö, justice of the supreme court in the Supreme administrative court, to initiate.”
“She has led the commission of inquiry on the future of id cards, and proposes a new state id card and a new e-id card.”
“this new id-card shall not be valid longer than five years, people’s appearances change over time, and is issued by the police. In addition to a facial image required fingerprints. 400 dollars it’ll cost.”
“admittedly, It is about time that the state begins to take overall responsibility for the issuing of leg. Today there are 13 approved types of id documents in Sweden. The police, the Swedish Tax agency, the Swedish transport agency, banks and some companies issue them.”
“And the less serious characters earn respectable sums of to peddle fake leg on the network.”
“this thicket complicates the id-controls and facilitates the abuse. Something that the Swedish bankers ‘ association, the Crime prevention council. E-legitimationsnämnden and other authorities and actors going on for years.”
“the bad guys have thanked and received. Fraud has increased substantially in the last ten years. Only during the last year were notified 259 000 fraud, which was 25 per cent more than the year before. And there is nothing to suggest that the development should turn.”
“Investigators Askersjö talked in a quarter of an hour or so, after which the interior minister Damberg took over and explained the importance of the upcoming legislation for the five journalists who made the effort to drag themselves to the show.”
“Now the proposal out for consultation and, if all goes as it should, it is on the parliamentary table for a year.”
“In January 2022, the new card effect. But during a year of transition to driving licences and similar documents continue to do.”
“to be granted admittance to the event, I was the clamp that show pressleg. And yes, the type of the id-cards are said to be left. But without having the same validity as before.”
“Damberg sörplade in the last drops of coffee from his mug, had to do some interviews, and hasted on.”
“this was hardly the sexiest day of his political life. It was definitely far from the worst.”