The Assembly abolished the games – the values of the active Fans as a success. You have to recognize that language matters in the case of the associations.

comment by Sebastian Fischer Sebastian Fischer

Sebastian Fischer, Born in 1989, is sports editor at the süddeutsche Zeitung. Studies in Cologne, and Tennessee – the Latter especially, to play College Soccer. First texts for the magazine of the Rhine football, and later for the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger. In the case of the SZ in 2014, from 2015 to 2017, a volunteer. Responsible for the digital edition of “sports on the weekend,” writes mainly about football and Paralympic sports. Leaving Munich for a few days, if et Trömmelche jeht.


follow Shortly demolished, a phenotypic culture history of football stadium visitors in the course of time: In the seventies, they wore long hair and scarves, which now reached the floor, two-colour knit; in the eighties you had on dirty jeans and robes, with patches full of dirty jokes, and they behaved well. In the nineties, they bought polyester shirts and flocked them with nicknames, the mustaches fit: Borsti, barf, Kalle from malls. In the zero years, some of them began to masquerade as protesters.

What you will say about the phenotype of the stadium workers (and, of course, the stadium-goer) of the ten years? Well, first of all, we can say that it is still there. He is not, however, become superfluous.

this week, have decided, in accordance with the clubs of the first, those of the second League, games to be abolished on Monday night of the season 2020/21. While this is unfortunate for many people who have become accustomed to the start of the week to a TV-evening with the participation of the VfL Bochum, Fürth or St. Pauli. The Monday evening was a brand. But it was reminiscent of the all time most beautiful sentence about being a Fan, written by Nick Hornby: “I fell in love with football, like I should fall in love later in women: suddenly, inexplicably, uncritically, and without a thought to the pain and brokenness to waste, which would be Betvole connected to it.” He meant so little to the watching Football in the TV how to Fall in love over Tinder.


Only Neururer won it all on Monday

no one is shaping the image of the stadium workers as much as the Ultras

the question Now is whether the clubs are aimed solely on the Renaissance, the romanticism of Football is the answer, rather, with no. Although you have explained your decision, so close to their fans. But to be really successful, so instrumental in the search for sponsors, was the platform on Monday seem to last anyway, since the rights belong to the Pay-TV channel Sky. Nevertheless, the decision was remarkable because he comes from the so-called active Fans. Those far-traveller actors of the football scene so threatening in times of international television contracts are always irrelevant – and are also under observation. The interior Ministers of the countries have just discussed, in fact, about whether or not there will be jail sentences to

no one characterizes the image of the stadium workers as much as the Ultras, the atmosphere, and a Transparent competent supporters in the front rows of the Terraces. For your bad Image in the Public you are often responsible, when from their midst rioters. But they also have protested relentlessly and peacefully against the dismemberment of game days, which makes the viewers to the main Fan. They had the support of the whole curve. The collection for the Monday values you so quite rightly, as a success of your investment.

what comes next? At the beginning of the season, the Ultras stopped the dialogue with the associations, they felt their concerns are not taken seriously. Now you will not engage in dialogue, rather, on the contrary. The Interpretation is more so that the Protest goes off well, as this seems to be the language that reaches the decision makers.

If you look at some point on the phenotypic stadium-goers in the year of 2018, then maybe to someone who has for stadium sausage and beer mug no Hand free. He must hold the banner high, on which he demonstrated against his own loss of importance.