The Council of States wants to advise on the Revision of the Corporation law. He refused it on Tuesday, quit the Exercise. He rejected the business but for the Revision to its preliminary advice to the Commission.

With 29 to 15 vote, the Council approved a request from Andrea Caroni (FDP/AR). The no-action motion by Ruedi Noser (FDP/ZH), he refused with a 23 to 20 vote. For a “demolition Exercise” had made of the economic umbrella organisation Economie Suisse .

The template includes numerous interventions in economic freedom, argued Noser. “Better no Revision than this one.” The Council should pull the plug. There is no need to act. The Revision only create new barriers, for example, with liability and transparency rules.

Hannes Germann (SVP/SH) argued, the template for Revision to the Federal Council rejected. “As a ham with over 200 pages it needs,” he noted. According to Economiesuisse contained in the template 112, the deterioration for the economy.

to the Commission

The majority decided for the rejection to the Commission. Caroni recalled that the Parliament had approved a part of the Revision. After the adoption of the rip-off initiative, it mandated the Federal Council, then, all in one package.

For businesses are provided with numerous facilities, was Caroni. Although the template with the gender values, and the raw material transparency has been charged. In addition, the legal Commission of the Council of States, important elements have been eliminated. You should bow again. The template is “alive” should not be buried by the Council. Thomas Minder (independent/SH) as the “father” of the rip-off initiative of this attitude.

No action

the representatives of The SP criticised the resistance against the Revision. “Why don’t you ask them specific applications?”, Claude Janiak (SP/BL) asked. That would be the normal procedure. If the law Commission’s Advisory business, will be the result of a completely different.

Christian Levrat (SP/FR) pointed out, Economiesuisse have had countless opportunities, their concerns. The Commission, made the work legitimate. Commission spokesman Robert Cramer (Greens/GE) recalled, at which time the current stock dates back to right. It is not true that no reform was needed.

Economiesuisse originally for

justice Minister Simonetta Sommaruga pointed out that Economiesuisse have greeted the template after the consultation in the national Council. You quoted from the media release of the economic umbrella organisation, in which relief for company.

“Apparently, Economiesuisse manifests itself differently now,” said Sommaruga. You have a suspicion that the majority of the Commission Decide not satisfied. The Council could decide in the detailed advice otherwise. He could also reject the gender-indicative values.

Controversial gender-indicative values

The reference values are particularly controversial. The Federal Council wants to ensure that the managements and boards of Directors of large listed companies join the conversation and more women. The Board of Directors of each gender should be represented to at least 30 per cent, in senior management to at least 20 percent. Companies that do not achieve these values, are intended to explain in the remuneration report and the reasons and measures for improvement.

The national Council had voted 95-to-94 votes in favour, 3 abstentions, against the will of the SVP and the FDP. Also, the Council of States Commission said. Today, the largest companies are in the boards of Directors of eight of the ten members of men, in the Executive boards of nine out of ten. From the scheme of around 200 companies would be affected.

Against corruption in the raw materials industry

Further, the Revision contains a regulation to combat corruption in the extractive sector: Large listed companies, which are in the extraction of raw materials, will have to write an annual report on their payments to governments. The Commission decided here is a Supplement: The Federal Council may extend the reporting obligation in the framework of an internationally co-ordinated action at companies that deal with raw materials.

the Commission’s facilities has been Rejected for the establishment of joint-stock companies. In accordance with your wishes should continue to be, a public deed is necessary. Unlike the national Council, the Swiss Council of States Commission wishes to abstain from the introduction of a so-called loyalty shares.

Further, the Commission decided on the introduction of a Capital band and instead the Instrument of the approved capital increase is maintained. Now, the Commission will consult again on the template. (nag/sda)

Created: 11.12.2018, 11:44 PM