As expected, led to the parliamentary elections in Spain to a legal slip. The ruling socialists were according to the projections, with around 29 per cent, again the strongest party, however, remained the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez hoped-for strong growth. However, the conservative people’s party (PP) has improved from 16.7 to 20.5 percent. The actual winner was the nationalist grouping, Vox, with a doubling of the number of its mandates more than it was, although they increased only from 10.3 to 13.5 percent.

The distribution of seats in the Spanish Parliament depends on the experience of the constituencies and not according to the percentage share of votes, so that only after the counting of all votes, the new balance of forces is established. It is the fourth parliamentary elections were within the last four years.

Liberal to break an

was already after the first calculations, that neither the left nor the right-wing groups have achieved a majority for a government. As for 2015, the formation of the new Cabinet of the Deputy of the Basque and Catalan regional parties will depend. The elections are two clear losers. Almost the right-wing liberal citizens ‘ party (Ciudadanos), which loses the high bills, according to 42 of their previous 57 mandates broke. For Ciudadanos-Chef Albert Rivera has not paid off thus its refusal to form after the elections in April to form a coalition with the socialists.

to make The European allies of the Spanish liberals, including President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron, had tried in vain to bring Rivera to do this, as a Junior partner of the PSOE in a coalition. He had explained that he is seeking, instead, that the Ciudadanos leading force in the right-hand party, would range. In the election campaign, he had accused Sanchez, a dialogue with the separatists, provided the regional government in Barcelona to strive for, rather than sell immediately. Of the of Rivera sparked nationalist wave not of his own party, but the right-wing populist Vox but it has benefits.

in Spite of the right pan, the chances of Sánchez’s not bad to stay in office.

The second loser of the elections is the left-wing Alliance Podemos Unidas. The party had last shaken by a dispute with the authoritarian leadership style of its Chairman, Pablo Iglesias; several non-Marxist left-wing groups and the Greens have opted out of the Alliance and had established a separate list with the name Mas País (country).

in Spite of the right pan, the chances of Sánchez’s not bad to stay in office. The three groups will be round ten of the votes of the absolute majority in the Parliament; they can not expect support from the ranks of the regional parties, since it is made for a strengthening of the Central authority and a weakening of the Autonomous regions occur. The PSOE, however, has in the past repeated alliances with the regional parties to close.

No riots on the eve

the election had been expected in Madrid results from the Region of Catalonia. There, the three separatist parties were posted slight gains, but it is not managed to mobilize the masses.

The authorities had not ruled out turmoil on the eve of the elections; however, the events at the weekend, called by the separatist movement Tsunami Democràtic had passed without incident. The issue of Catalonia had dominated the campaign of all major parties before the elections.

The left-Republicans of Oriol Junqueras dissociate the conservative nationalists of Carles Puigdemont at the national elections in Catalonia significantly. Junqueras will take the lead role in the Catalan camp.

The number 2 result from Sunday to number 1 after the election. Oriol Junqueras, in the middle of October because of its role in the Referendum in 2017, about the independence, to 13 years in prison, will, in the future, the most important figure in the Catalan camp. However, he can perceive his role as a parliamentarian, neither in Madrid nor in Barcelona and Strasbourg, because of the Supreme court as a minor penalty, a 13-year-old policy of prohibition imposed. But the 50-Year-old remains behind the prison wall of Lledoners the head of his party Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC).

The change of power in the Catalan inventory since the elections in April. At that time, the left Republicans got twice as many seats in Congress as the conservative nationalists, who had in the regional elections at the end of 2017, a bare majority. During this Alliance, but since the Repression of Madrid and the exile of its leadership, the new role yet, found the left-Republicans to a constructive course.

Give it to a Referendum

a year Ago your outgoing has proposed to the speaker of Parliament, in Madrid, Spain was to counter a future Referendum on the independence of Catalonia with a counter-proposal. In view of the equally strong camps of opponents and supporters of independence in Catalonia, Madrid could win with handle, removable concessions, a majority at the ballot box for the whereabouts of Catalonia in Spain.

the constructive attitude of The ERC surprised, because Junqueras had previously been regarded as a Hardliner. As Vice President he had pushed Puigdemont after the Referendum in 2017 for the rapid Declaration of independence. Temporarily Junqueras of his opponents saw the racism charge faced, after he had contemplated in 2008 in a newspaper column about the genetic differences between the Spanish and Catalan population. The accusation was, of course, maliciously, the historian had pointed merely to a study by the University of Rotterdam. Meanwhile, the strategists, the ERC does not seem to the Party to be clear that Catalonia is in view of the stalemate in the Region and the lack of support from the EU alone in the confrontation with Madrid stronger.

In his new leadership role, he will seek the camp of the katalani most to you. So he could be in the future, the main interlocutor for Sánchez – assuming its readiness for a serious dialogue to grow. In a coalition with the Conservatives, this would not be the case. By then, Puigdemonts national conservative would have boost to your more radical course in Catalonia again.

Created: 10.11.2019, 22:48 PM