Not all the neighbors are friends. While in Aachen, the Germans and the French of their friendship, degenerates in the South, the old, otherwise rather teasingly guided rivalry between the French and the Italians. At the same time and spiteful, with digressions to the colonial history. If not mistaken, then this is just the foreplay before the Showdown in the European elections in may. So to speak, the hors d’oeuvres, to say it with the Italians.

The populist Cinque Stelle and Lega, the rule in Rome, see the French President, Emmanuel Macron and in its Europe-friendly Cabinet your favorite enemies – the enemy image, which it seems that everything is ideal: the aversion to the Elite, the banks, the bureaucracy in Brussels.

The left-wing newspaper “Il Manifesto”, subtitled with an ironic Note: “De bello Gallico.” This is the Latin title of the reports on the Gallic war, written by the great Roman General Gaius Julius Caesar. The headline in the newspaper was a photo of Luigi Di Maio, the Italian Deputy Prime Minister and chief of the Cinque. “Giggino” than Caesar?

The left wing in the eye

During his recent verbal campaign Di Maio accuses the French, that it is the primary responsibility of deceive for the waves of migration from Africa: “When people flee,” he said, “then this is because some of the European countries, foremost France, have never ceased to popularize the African colonial.” The EU should punish France, it will push the Africans into poverty. As evidence of the allegedly ongoing subjugation of the Cinque point in pulling the currency of 14 African countries, most of which are former colonies of France: the Franc CFA, which used to be tied to the Franc and now the Euro.

The controversy is not new, but it fits just perfectly in the Di Maios concept. He must hear from the left wing of his party, that he has bowed to the migration question too strongly the positions of the xenophobic Lega. The dangling against the French, and the alleged neo-imperialist impact of the CFA Franc is used as a distraction.

Only the Thesis that the people flee from Africa shaking: Of the migrants who have come in 2018 across the Mediterranean to Italy, were comparatively few from a country that is liable with the Franc CFA economy. In the statistics, the ivory coast seems to be the first of these countries – and in eighth place, with 4 percent of all immigrants. The information can be found on the Website of the Italian Ministry of the interior.

Premier calls for moderation to

The French foreign Ministry ordered the prompt, the Italian Ambassador in Paris, to protest against the undiplomatic way. This, in turn, Matteo Salvini called on the Plan, the other Vice-Prime Minister of Italy, is not outdated so fond of in the race to the coarsest, Foul-mouthed. France, said Salvini, not wool at all, that Libya is stabilizing, because it will have the opposite Oil interests than the Italians. Libyan Oil and Gas – that’s why the neighbors have been squabbling for years: the French group Total, the Italian Eni. So far, Italy was able to defend the advantage but – as the former colonial power, mind you.

Salvini called a Macron like “Signorino”, little Lord. If criticism of his hard Hand comes up against the immigrants, the Italian Minister of the interior, to the fact that Macron immigrants on the border between France and Italy, in Ventimiglia and in the case of Bardonecchia, is “let like animals”. This “Signorino” accept it, therefore, no moral lessons.

So that will probably go further, in a steady Crescendo of ever more new barbs, up to the European elections. Italy’s Prime Minister, Giuseppe, Conte has urged his Vice slowing now to moderation: He needs to finally get on with a Macron. Also the party outside, lots of Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi called on the two to put the Propaganda down. Italy could not afford to isolate themselves. Such continuous strife with France was a poison for the interests of the country. A lot of hearing will not be granted.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 23.01.2019, 07:35 PM