I’m Samara and was born with a disability, which has meant that I have undergone ten operations in total.

to take a training as a 17-year-old – and has even tried to find a job, but without luck. I could not implement them, as my health deteriorated. I am now stuck in the system and my caseworker will not recognise a disability pension. She will also not have, I’m looking for, as she says, that I get denied. All my medical papers say something else.

got me in the internship to test my ability to work, and it is documented that my work capacity is very small – so small that I could not cope with more than an hour of work a week. But my case officer will know anyway that would send me in the internship.

My body cannot do more, and I’m even mentally ill, I really need help – what should I do?

You would like to apply for a disability pension, but your caseworker will not help you, since she believes that you will get refusal. It is not your case officer, who decides whether you are eligible for a disability pension. It is solely the municipality’s rehabiliteringsteam, who can assess it and make a setting.

Your caseworker should guide you in, that it remains a possibility for yourself to apply for a pension – she has a duty to inform you of your options.

have been sent you in the internship in order to test your ability to work, and the trainee period showed that you could not cope with more than one hour a week. If this is the case, and you can prove your permanent and congenital disabilities as well as psychiatric diagnoses, so it becomes difficult to develop your ability to work, and then you are in the target audience for either the flex job or early retirement pension.

However, I would from your description think, that with so low a weekly hour, it would be unrealistic with a flex job.

You’re not writing, what your disabilities and psychiatric diagnoses are, but in your case it is very important that you get udtaleler from all the specialists, as you have been with. Their opinions are to elucidate and document your case.

social Worker Puk Sabber manager the social letterbox. Photo: Jakob Boserup

your age, but do not go out from that, you are over the age of 40. As a rule, persons under 40 years should not get the disability pension, unless it is proven that the ability to work can not be improved. If you can prove it, it should be decided whether or not you are in the target audience for a disability pension.

have all allowed to apply for a disability pension according to section 17 of the act on social pension. Your case should be – if you even applicant – submitted rehabiliteringsteamet, who then decides which target group you belong to, and what is right for you.

When you are searching for section 17, it is not obtained new papers/documents in your case and therefore you need to be aware that everything you have documentation of your illness as well as dokumention from your last internship/arbejdsprøvning, will be appended to the application.

early retirement by saying it to your caseworker. If she still will not process your application, you must either send it by mail or drop it off at the municipality.

You do not need to write anything other than:

’I X looking for today’s date on early retirement according to section 17 of the act on social pension.

sincerely, X’

the Municipality has the following three months to hear the case.

I wish you all luck and happiness.


from 18 years of age and up to the retirement age in order to be granted early retirement.

was introduced, clarifications in the rules on early retirement and ressourceforløb: A ressourceforløb is currently, when the municipality can point to some relevant bets, where there is a realistic expectation that the citizen, in the long term can improve his situation and be able to participate in the labour market, for example, in a flex job.

clarified that the municipality, in specific situations, where it is proven, or, quite obviously, that the citizen is not able to improve his work capacity by participating in a ressourceforløb, have the ability to grant the citizen a disability pension, even though this have not participated in a ressourceforløb first.