The solidarity fund for very small enterprises (VSES) and the self-employed who have lost more than 50 % of their sales in march, April or may, has awarded close to three million of aid for an amount of more than 4 billion euros, according to a balance sheet to step up with this on Monday by the finance ministry. It is the amount of aid granted, that is to say that a company is awarded an assistance several times will be counted as many times.

see also : The solidarity fund fully operational.

This fund, created at the end of march in the first amending budget for 2020 and increased in the second a month later, has a budget of $ 7 billion for grant aid first level that can go up to 1500 euros for businesses with fewer than 10 employees and making less than a million of revenue per year.

A second component, co-financed by the regions and the insurers, allows to grant to enterprises in difficulty who request assistance that can climb up to 5000 euros. An amount that, for companies with less than 20 employees and with less than 2 million turnover per year of the sector of the hospitality industry, can reach 10,000 euros. The solidarity fund remains active in June for the structures of this sector, such as tourism, always closed or slowed by the crisis.

at the End of April, 780.000 TPE or independent had received a cheque by an average of 1 329 euros for the public Treasury, in compensation of their decreasing activity in march. This aid had been granted to 58% of independents and 13.3 % in enterprises with 2 to 11 employees. Three-quarters of the recipients had received the maximum proposed to be eur 1 500.

The editorial team conseilleLe solidarity fund fully opĂ©rationnelGĂ©rald Darmanin: “This crisis is much higher than that of 2008″Measures for the self-employed: he must (quickly) even more flexible and avoid bankruptcy!SujetTPEAucun commentaireanonymele 08/06/2020 21:00

And still nothing about the employees, if the president continues this ultra liberalism it’s going to hurt hurt hurt to the job…

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