The business is the implementation of the corporate tax reform (tax template 17) of the Federal and the cantonal level. The submission of the government is supported by a solid majority of the Commission for economic Affairs and taxation (WAK), as these announced on Thursday.
the Commission recommends that The cantonal Parliament with 11 votes to 4, the Change in the tax law to agree. Against the submission of a minority of SP and the Greens.
The Zurich-based implementation of the tax reform 17 (SV 17) provides a etappierte reduction of the profit tax before 8 to 6 per cent. The total tax burden on companies would be reduced from 21.1 to about 18.2 percent, something in the Swiss comparison is a rather small reduction.
It costs a half a billion
The Canton government wants to exploit in addition, optional game rooms in the Federal law. It is about deductions for self-financing, equity, and research and development. The total discount of all these measures is to be limited to 70 percent.
tax revenue Forecast of 275 million Swiss francs for the Canton of 250 million for the municipalities. The failure of the municipalities to be absorbed by cantonal additional contributions in part.
the aim of the government is to maintain the competitiveness of the Canton, even after the tax reform. A migration of companies to be prevented. “The status of companies, their importance has increased in the last few years, to stay here,” was the financial Director Ernst Stocker (SVP), stated at the presentation of the template in September. Stocker was brought after the city of Zurich financial chief Daniel Leupi (Green) in the boat, who had opposed in the first variant (corporate tax reform III). The first vote brought in Switzerland is a clear no, which is why a second attempt is necessary.
Civil for template
The voting behaviour of the parliamentary Commission is reflected in the opinions of the parties. Civil government welcome the Council’s template. FDP and GLP, however, make it clear that they would have come contrary to the company more than the government. The Canton of Zurich will remain in effect after the tax reform in a high-tax Canton, wrote to the FDP. Nevertheless, the party SIPS of “the toad” in the sense of a compromise.
Satisfied with the CVP. The Christian Democrats speak of the “ideal conditions”, which would have created a governing Council and the preparatory Committee. The template, find “very broad agreement”.
Reasonably satisfied the EPP. It recognises the efforts of the government Council, to keep the today, specially taxed status of companies in the Canton. However, the party missed a social balancing of the Reform, for example in the Form of an increase in the child allowances.
Left closed, however,
no consent, the Zurich-based tax reform, however, in the case of the social Democrats, the Greens, the Alternative list (AL) and the Confederation of trade unions of the Canton of Zurich (GBKZ). In the Canton were not only introduced all the new instruments for tax avoidance, but also a maximum of exhausted, informed the SP.
The template to rip a big hole in the Canton’s finances, see no real counter-financing and contains measures for social Compensation, is critical of the AL. The “massive tax cut” will have to pay the middle class with an “austerity package”, warn the Greens.
the bill for The loss of Income would be once more divided the cantonal staff, the Zurich transport network (ZVV) and the education institutions, with the help of GBKZ. He now wants to mobilize the vote fight. Because the template is subject to a mandatory Referendum, the Parliament, the Zurich electorate the last word.
First, but coordinated at the Federal level, and on 19. May. If the control template 17, or the so-called AHV-tax is rejected the Deal is the Zurich part obsolete. (sda/pu)
Created: 31.01.2019, 15:21 PM