After the devastating bomb attack on a police Academy in the city of Bogotá has made to the Colombian government and the guerrilla organization ELN for the fact responsible. 21 people have been killed in the process.

police officers and members mourn the loss of the 21 victims of the attack.

The Colombian Minister of defense Guillermo Botero has made left-wing rebels of the National liberation army ELN for the deadly car bomb attack on a police school in Bogota responsible. “This life were said to be destroyed by a reprehensible action carried out by the ELN,” he said. The number of people killed in the attack rose to 21. As the police explained, were ten of the 68 injured treated in hospitals.

Tranname: Mocho Kiko

The ELN rebels have perpetrated in the recent multiple attacks on the Colombian police. Peace talks between the group and the government of President Iván Duque are on the ice.

In the case of offenders, it was, according to the defense Minister Botero to an ELN member, Codenamed Mocho Kiko. He was an explosives expert who got lost in his time in a cell of rebels on the border with Venezuela when Handling explosives, an Arm.

attack on a police school in Bogota
tagesschau 12:00 PM , 18.01.2019, Xenia Cooper, ARd Mexico city

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