Efforts to recover the situation after the storm, Alfrida continues. The hardest hit areas in the eastern parts of Uppsala county and the coastal route in northern Stockholm county got to see large quantities of trees felled by the strong winds, which was 38.5 metres per second at Örskär, just to the north of the town of Öregrund. Most reported upwards of 150,000 elabonnenter have been without power.

the Tree has cracked right up to the house. Photo: Elin Åberg

Two weeks after the storm, it is clear that the municipality of Norrtälje still have many households that have been without electricity for a long time. It is primarily the households along the coast and on the islands that have still not got the power back. After Ellevios approximately 67.000 presence of power customers got the situation resolved already on 5 January and Eon solved the problems for their customers last week, is now aimed focus on Vattenfall’s work in the area.

was less than 2.300 customers are still without power.

” We have a lot of people out there and it is clearly ahead. Some areas are even ahead of schedule, for example, Arholma, ” says Markus Fischer, press officer at Vattenfall.

He says that some areas, however, may have some lag when it comes to work. Around 500 people work for the moment with the repairs.

Helikopterförare Sebastian Erdös inspects the forest for Vattenfall’s behalf. Photo: Elin Åberg

according to a certain order. To initially arrange the Waterfalls of the big wires, and then gradually focus on increasingly smaller.

– Technically, it is the first high voltage, and then the medium voltage and low voltage to work with. But the biggest of them is the Swedish national grid. And there has to my knowledge never been any interruption, ” says Markus Fischer.

Many have pointed out that Alfridas ravages had they felled the trees to resemble the plockepinn. Photo: Jonas Lindkvist

another part of the priority is to focus on the areas where there are a lot of people, so that many can get help at the same time. In addition, it adds the extra power to get up and running public functions, such as shops and petrol stations.

” so far, yes. But in a few places it can be longer than that. It is depending on how work goes.

meant big problems for residents in some parts of Uppsala county and Stockholm county when it comes to the power supply – but the problems are also clear when it comes to the impact on the forest in the area. His Källsmyr, skadesamordnare at The Swedish forest agency says that large amounts of the tree has been felled by the storm.

There have not been such a storm in many, many years in this area.

” We estimate that at least 500,000 cubic meters of timber have been convicted of Alfrida. Most concerns in the Stockholm county, Uppsala county, and Sweden. There has not been such a storm in many, many years in this area, ” he says.

according to The Swedish forest agency in 1969 as a similar storm hit the area. His Källsmyr tells us that the volume of trees that have been harvested by now is half of what usually is harvested during a whole year in the area otherwise, and add to Alfridas effects primarily occurred to the east of the E4 highway in Uppsala county and along the shores of the northern parts of Stockholm county.

Norrtälje archipelago was hit hard by Alfrida. Photo: Elin Åberg

at the same time has Alfrida been mild in comparison with the storm Gudrun, which hit mainly Götaland, sweden on 8-9 January 2005. When it comes to how much forest and that he was ” much worse and affected a much larger area. Total appreciate The Swedish forest agency that the 75 million cubic meters of timber was felled at the moment.

mean to Alfridas effects should nevertheless be taken very seriously.

” It is a tragedy for each individual forest owners who have been affected.

He also adds that it is important to be very careful if you as owners want to try clearing in the woods.

It is very dangerous to give out in the right storm-felled forest. The public moving in the forest now, should exercise great caution and be aware of the risks.

” You really have to think about safety. One should not venture out in the storm-felled forest if you are not trained for it. And then, let the machines do the work. It is very dangerous to give out in the right storm-felled forest. The public moving in the forest now, should exercise great caution and be aware of the risks, ” he says.

on-site to the northeast of Norrtälje and visited Anette Gustawson and her husband Jacob Gustawson who runs Billinge farm. They had been without electricity for almost a week and had to rent a generator to make the business work.

But shortly after the DN’s visit was the problems remedied.

” Yes.” It was already the day after. On Wednesday rolled out the first cars from the Waterfalls in here. It was great that we got back the power, but I am thinking mainly of the households around, where the population is older. It is nice for them, ” says Anette Gustawson on Wednesday.

– when the DN met him last week used a wood-burning stove and a candle for heat – got electricity back shortly thereafter.

Svante Melchior kept the heat with a wood stove during the eight to be without power for the day. Photo: Elin Åberg

– Now it is completely normal. We got back electricity after eight days, I would think that it was. The problem is that there is quite a lot of forest that has blown over. We have lived here since the 80’s and we have not experienced anything like this before.

Svante Melchior also highlights the tough situation that is still prevalent in the sparsely populated parts of the county when it comes to the power supply.

Now it is completely normal. We got back electricity after eight days, I would think that it was.

“It is a big problem on the islands, for example, Gräddö, Vätö, Rådmansö and Blidö,” he says.

In the work to clear away storm-felled trees, Waterfalls including the use of explosive devices. Photo: Jonas Lindkvist

takes a bit of forest that has now been ravaged by the storm will Svante Melchior to be forced to take care of the fallen trees before the heat will come later in the spring.

” I’ll have to do as soon as possible. But it is so extensive, that I would not do it alone.

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Read more: Storm trees are blasted away after the storm