The SP politicized currently quite successful. Nevertheless, you constantly whine about the dominance of right-wing parties in the Federal government in Bern. All for Show?
Not at all. The FDP and the SVP have for 2015 together 101 votes in the national Council. This majority is real, demonstrated in particular by the recent discussions of climate policy, where we Choose documents in the case of important safely ten times in a row because of two votes. With the result that we have in Switzerland, there is currently no effective CO2-law, the SP can agree to. The debate in the national Assembly is a Prime example of how the policies of the right-wing majority in this legislature works.

important no to Decide how the energy law, or the implementation of the mass immigration initiative has, however, almost always the center-left won.
There, where we successfully managed to correct the worst excesses of the right-wing majority. Mostly this was us in the Council of States, in the case of the corporate tax reform III via popular vote. But the necessary reforms for this country are remained due to the policy of the FDP, and SVP. Where are the measures to counter the rising health insurance premiums, where an effective housing policy, where a successful policy on Europe? I see in this legislature just a collection of failed attempts. The only area in which anything goes, is the tax-AHV-template. And that is where the reform proposal was not, significantly, from the right-dominated Federal Council, not the national Council, but by a cross-party group of the Council of States.

SVP-group chief called the Council of States already “chamber of socialism.” Because you and the SP would occur in conjunction with the CVP so dominant.
This is nonsense. Ironically, the leader of the largest party in Switzerland has not understood, such as the Council of States works. When it comes to Decisions in the small chamber, for the country and the Canton of their own is important, the policy of the party in the Background. In the Assembly, in this legislature.

The SP is in the Council of States as strong as never before. Now half of their representatives don’t. How do you prevent a change of power?
to submit to> The SP has in the Council of States election election. The people of Switzerland have recognized that it makes sense, if the representatives of your Canton covering the whole political spectrum. More and more often you send, therefore, a right and a left councillor to Bern.

What is your goal for the Council of States?
I expect us to further seat the success of gains and we can also compensate for possible losses, of CVP. In addition, we have set ourselves the goal of bringing more women in the Council of States. And this, although the SP together in the small chamber already today more women than all other parties.

Parmelin more understanding of the subject of reward will show protection as its predecessor.

the Decisive factor is the mobilization of the voters. What to expect from the SP? In 2015, it has invested in the election campaign by telephone.
We will certainly not be put suddenly on a large and expensive advertisement campaigns. The SP has no means. Our capital is the large and dedicated party base. The members should mobilize their environment. Whether this is done by phone or other means, is beside the point. We just want to talk with as many people as possible directly and in the Dialog, not as a one-way communication. In General, the conditions are good for us: The political development of international and national has startled our voters and voters. It was because of Trump, the successes of the populists in Europe or the behavior of the right-wing majority in the national Council.

Also increase the SP in the last cantonal elections. There’s got to be national more than the previous 18.8 percent of voters share the goal?
the Ultimate goal is to break the majority of FDP and SVP in the national Council. The SP needs to win some additional seats. A national vote share of at least 20 percent is for us. We are the party that can grow in the German part of Switzerland the last the most. Also in the West Switzerland, we are prepared for problems.

This means that if the SP has not achieved these goals, act as party President?
Certainly not because of the election result. The are now, my third national election as party President. Two questions need to be answered after the elections: I Have enough energy, desire and Motivation to keep going? And it is for the party make sense? We will discuss at the appropriate time and decide.

The framework agreement is a passport to the future for the SVP. How do you want to prevent that until the elections are being discussed?
I am happy to discuss about the EU. This is an important issue. The Position of the SP is here for years the same: We want an institutional framework agreement, and we want the Swiss wages are protected. With the highest wages and one of the highest rates of Immigration from Europe, we have to be careful there especially. But the proposal, which is now on the table will not enable us to achieve this goal. He would have, regardless of our Position, when people had no Chance.

What do you suggest for it?
Now, the social partners must make a joint proposal on how they in the future want to guarantee that the high wage level in Switzerland is protected. This need not happen immediately. In the next few months, the EU is busy anyway with the European elections and the Brexit.

In the summer, the trade unions, in such discussions to participate refused.
To the right. These discussions were in the pipeline of the FDP-the Federal councils, Ignazio Cassis and Johann Schneider-Ammann is completely wrong. It was just a matter of forcing the trade unions to a softening of wage protection. That was a totally wrong approach. Above all, there is no longer any 8-day rules, but to guarantee the protection of Wages in Switzerland. With the goal that the EU accepts at the end, Switzerland will decide this question alone.

Why do you believe that the social partners, of all places, under the mediation of the Swiss people’s party Federal Council?
I’m convinced that Guy Parmelin has more understanding of the issue of the protection of Wages than his predecessor in the Department of Economic Affairs. Parmelin comes from a border region.

Also in the midst of the election campaign, the Referendum will take place for the AVS Deal. Many on the Left have signed.
I stand behind this solution. The worst tax regime in Switzerland to be eliminated. For the first time, we are able to correct the unspeakable USR II in the Central points. Of the opponents of the allegation that this was too little. But with this Position, we would have failed in Parliament. And for additional financing of the AHV, I have to say that we are the only country in Europe that restored the pension, without benefits or reduce.

In many European countries, the social Democrats have suffered the least severe defeats. We talk with them about seat gains. Why?
What is currently happening in France or Germany, is in fact dramatic for the social democracy. However, the SP Switzerland since the 1990s, has made years aware of a policy other than a lot of the social-democratic parties of Europe. We have never accepted that the welfare state is dismantled or low wages are admitted.

to your course in the SP as well as the SVP in ensuring that the policy is becoming more polarised. Our System brings to its limits.
In Switzerland, it’s always been about finding, together with other parties, and the majorities. At best, our System works between 2011 and 2015. In a legislature in which there was in the Parliament, no clear majority. In such a Situation, it always takes at least three parties to a proposal. All must, therefore, be open to compromise. Not like in the current legislative session.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 08.01.2019, 21:27 PM