The full braking of the SVP in the franchise increase is one of the three more election maneuvers under the Federal house dome. Together with the other bourgeois parties, the party had developed in the last half of the year, a law the minimum franchise every three to four years, 50 Swiss francs would be increased.

in the spirit of the health insurance funds, and in the spirit of civic policy: The Insured to assume more responsibility and a constant share of their health costs to pay for from the own bag.

too bad, that many voters of this insurance do not like to follow mathematical logic. For the ever-increasing health insurance premiums Nuisance are already enough. In any case, the SVP must have been surprised by angry citizens reactions, arg, and the half a year before the elections.

Suddenly, the SVP calls for a holistic view in health policy. The pharmaceutical industry, health insurance companies, Doctors, hospitals and the cantons should contribute to the cost reduction, also, only the patient.

With this program not a choice not a fight we can win, of course, but you don’t lose it. If on Friday in the final vote in the national Council, the CVP of the franchise increase distances, FDP and the green-liberal alone as those that require the patient more money.

Until it comes to the Proof, are the elections over

The SP loses, in turn, will be an election issue. The 50’000 signatures for the Referendum against higher deductibles you would have collected by playing. The SP could have been as a party present, who knows the Concerns of the citizens.

Now you need to advertise with their Initiative for more premium subsidies. Although this is a popular concern, but one that the taxpayer some costs.

The SVP marked in social policy, like hard words, when it comes to allegedly spoiled recipients of social assistance or IV-fraud. But if it meets its own clientele, it remains rather under the Radar.

It may be interesting, therefore, how serious it is with the health policy Gesambetrachtung. It’s now against the high generic prices, the General importers of overpriced medical items to the cart, or battling it out in the cantons for hospital closures? Until it comes to the Proof, are over the elections. The main thing is that the annoying franchise topic is off the table. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 21.03.2019, 21:38 PM