both cases, which is behind the dagligvarekæderne the Meny and Save, in 2018 over half a billion dollars poorer.

the Loss is caused, in particular, a depreciation in the subsidiary FoodService Denmark, where Dagrofa itself denotes the result for the year as “highly unsatisfactory”.

It appears a press release from the Dagrofa as well as articles from erhvervsmediet Finance and Berlingske.

Dagrofa-group consists of the chains Meny, Save, My Grocery and Letkøb as well as FoodService and Denmark Dagrofa Logistics.

It is the second year in a row that the group presents a deficit. According to the Finance have an impairment in the FoodService Denmark claimed the lives of almost 400 million dollars. Overall, the group has a deficit of 609 million dollars.

In the press release from both cases there is talk of the need for a recovery of the subsidiary’s ability to run around:

– In spite of the increase in turnover in the FoodService Denmark decreased earnings. Therefore, in the course of 2018 is working hard to restore the company and to stabilise the operation, writes both cases.

while the disappointing losses considers both cases to see more budding signs of recovery. Among other things, growing the turnover for the first time in ten years. In 2017 traded Dagrofa for 17.2 billion kroner. It grew to 200 million in 2018.

Isolation has the operation made a profit. It was in 2018, however, only 113 million dollars and not at the level of 141 million dollars as the year before.

Dagrofa expects to put around 17 billion dollars again this year. In turn, expect the group to be better to make money on its sales, so the operation gives more in profits.

the Group has not put all his accounts. It happens only 26. april.