Shortly before the outbreak of the Second world war, fled to 10,000 Jewish children from the Nazis. The Survivors of the “children’s transport” to the UK get from Germany is now a one-time payment.

80 years Ago, the first “children’s transports started”: Around 10,000 children took refuge between 1938 and 1939, before the Nazis, to great Britain. Eight decades later, the Survivors are to receive from Germany, a one-time payment in the amount of 2500 Euro.

the one-time compensation payment to the Federal government and the Conference On Jewish Material Claims Against Germany – in short, the Claims Conference have agreed. Survivors of the transports to from 1. January can make such requests. The Federal Ministry of Finance provides the funds.

shipments to the protection in front of national socialists

Jewish groups in Nazi Germany, the “children’s transports planned” due to the pogroms against the Jews. Between December 1938 and the outbreak of the Second world war in September 1939, about 10,000 children from Germany, including Austria and the annexed parts of Czechoslovakia were brought to the protection from the national socialists to the UK. It involved almost exclusively Jewish children, without their families.

After the pogrom night in 1938, many Jewish children fled abroad.

According to the estimates of the Claims Conference worldwide live approximately 1000 Survivors of the “children’s transports”. Half of the refugees about living according to the New York Times in the UK; others settled in the United States, Israel, Canada or Australia.

organization represents the interests of the victim

The interests of Jewish victims of national socialism and Holocaust Survivor represents the Organisation Claims Conference since 1951. It is a consortium of 25 international Jewish organizations, with headquarters in New York. The organization is represented in offices in Frankfurt, Vienna and Tel Aviv.

As part of the German compensation policy after the Second world war, victims of national socialist persecution can receive money payments. The Federal law on the compensation granted since 1953, people who were persecuted during the Nazi era in Germany for political, racial, religious or ideological reasons, a monetary compensation.

commemoration in the Bundestag: a letter to a Murdered, 26.01.2017 Atlas |Germany |Berlin

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