In Switzerland, is discussed Plastiksäckli in the supermarket, on the impact of food waste on climate change and the personal footprint. The ecological consciousness is growing – you might think. But the Figures speak a different language: some 80 to 90 million tonnes of waste are produced annually in Switzerland. The largest share of construction activity is generated. Already in the second place, the ever-increasing settlement of the consequences of waste, i.e. the waste, the each and every one of us accumulates every day.

According to a new survey by the European statistical office, Eurostat produces each Swiss a year, 706 kilograms of waste. A good twenty years ago, there were still 100 pounds less.

Switzerland is Therefore in a European comparison, bad. Only in Norway and Denmark even more waste per capita. The citizens of the neighbouring countries of Germany (633 pounds), Austria (570), France (513) and Italy (489), pollute the environment, the quantity is significantly lower. And the EU average, with 487 kilos only a good two thirds of the Swiss weight.

The least waste is produced in Poland, Serbia and Romania. A closer look reveals, however, that these countries have no or only poorly functioning Recycling culture. In this respect, it can Shine for Switzerland.

The biggest waste producers at the same time the most avid recyclers: Denmark recycled according to Eurostat, 213, Norway 216 and Switzerland even 217 pounds per capita. This is far above the EU average of 81 pounds. Also for composting the Swiss model: you can turn on average of 153 pounds of waste to Humus. Only the Austrians are even more efficient.

The Eurostat calculations agree almost exactly with those of the Federal office for the environment (FOEN). This comes to 703 kilograms of municipal waste per person, of which 369 pounds be recycled. This is mainly composted or fermented organic waste, waste paper and waste glass.

Since the year 2000, Switzerland was able to improve its recycling rate from 45 to 53 percent. More than half of municipal waste is recycled and composted. It is from this share, in Switzerland, 336 kilograms of waste per Person, which must be burned. This means that a Daily production of nearly 1 Kilo of waste that cannot be recycled.

Thus, Switzerland is still one of the top performers in Europe. But why the total amount of produced waste in this country continuously? According to the FOEN, which is located in the first line of the high Per capita income and the associated extensive consumption.

“Due to the high standard of living, Switzerland has one of the highest volume of waste in the world.”Federal office for the environment

In the last few years has increased the consumption. This is partly due to faster-override Trends and new product generations as well as low price strategies of the retailers. And the better people are, the more they spend. “Due to the high standard of living, Switzerland has one of the highest municipal waste generation in the world,” also notes the FOEN.

70 percent of the environmental impact of consumption currently make up the areas of Housing, nutrition and mobility. The FOEN predicts that the level of Consumption of the economy will increase growth in the future tend to be. Without the decoupling of consumption and waste generation the quantities of waste will continue to rise.

the OECD Also criticised the consumption habits of the Swiss report in the last Environment. The Recycling had been promoted effectively, there is a significant potential for improvement exists but in terms of the reduction of municipal waste. On the way to a circular economy so there is still much air upward.

This Zurich-comes with a waste bag per year: Theodora Hoff shows how an everyday life with as little waste as possible and the plastic looks like. Video: Anja Stadelmann

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 24.01.2019, 13:08 PM