2017 was a black year for nordkaparen, or the north atlantic right whale, as it is also called. Then killed twelve individuals outside of Canada and six outside the u.s. the coast. Most died after collisions with ships but two were suspected to have died after being stuck in the fishermen’s ropes, and rope. But, in 2018, reversed the trend.

new rules to protect whales outside the coast of Canada. Among other things, introduced a 100-metre buffer zone between whales and boats, at the same time is limited greater vessel speed to ten knots in the special protection areas, writes The Guardian.

the Penalties for those who violate the new rules may be felt. The fines vary between 100.000 and 500,000 canadian dollars, that is to say, between more than 660.000 and 3.300.000 sek. Anyone who violates the rules repeatedly can potentially be sentenced to jail, according to The Guardian.

many in the fishing industry but also individuals who mostly live in the provinces of Quebec and Newfoundland.

The Guardian writes that Nadia Minassian, head of department for the city of Rocher-Percé in Quebec, in the summer, called the rules ”draconian and uncompromising”.

Despite the fact that the local fiskegrupper believe that the rules are too broad and should be adjusted and that the authorities have admitted they affect the local economy negatively in several areas, it is expected the rules continue to apply in 2019, according to the british newspaper.

”The long-term economic risks of not protecting Nordkaparna enough is major,” said Adam Burns, director of fiskeöversynen on the canadian fisheries and havsmyndigheten to the assembled press in the summer, writes The Guardian.