NyheterFN want to see the Huthi-a retreat from the al-HudaydahFoto: Hani Mohammed/AP/TTHuthirebeller in al-Hudaydah. Arkivbild.NEWS

UN proposes that the Iranstödda Huthirebellerna in Yemen withdraw from al-Hudaydah (Hodeidah) and to the saudiskledda of the alliance at the same time, the cessation of all attacks in the port city, according to a document that the news agency AFP has taken part of.

the Document, which has been verified by two sources from the yemeni government’s delegation into the peace talks outside Rimbo, north of Stockholm, also includes a proposal for a cease-fire at the important port on the Red sahabet sea.

the Area would, under the proposal, controlled by a joint committee and monitored by the UN.