– We have drawn up a draft framework that it must work more with before it can result in an agreement, ” says Khalilzad, in an interview with The New York Times in Kabul.

the Taliban have, to our delight, committed to do what it takes to prevent Afghanistan ever becoming a haunt for international terrorist groups or terrorists, ” he says.

A senior u.s. official, who speak out anonymously, with respect to the negotiations, said to the newspaper that the Taliban leadership should now consider whether they should go with on the United states ‘ demands to drop the afghan government at the negotiating table.

American withdrawl

the Taliban leadership should also discuss when a possible cease-fire can take effect, as well as how this should be expressed in a final peace agreement.

Taliban sources illuminated Saturday to Reuters that it’s reached agreement on the draft of an agreement to which the united STATES pulls its forces out of Afghanistan within 18 months.

This is not confirmed from the american side, and Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid stressed at the weekend that a timetable for us withdrawal is a prerequisite to reaching agreement on a deal.

Here release the united STATES the massive bomb over Afghanistan Video “Løpegutter”

the united STATES has for several years tried to negotiate a deal with the Taliban, who today stands stronger than in a long time in Afghanistan.

When president Donald Trump before christmas, warned that he would bring home about half of the United states 14.000 soldiers from the country, was up in the talks taking place in Qatar.

Afghan authorities have long wanted to negotiate with the Taliban, but the insurgents have refused and made it clear that they will only talk directly with the united STATES, not through “løpegutter”.


Afghanistan’s de facto prime minister Abdullah Abdullah did not hide his frustration over this.

– You can’t have a peace process through the deputies, he said right before the weekend.

President Ashraf Ghani dislike greatly having to follow the negotiations from the sidelines and denied Monday that it is made “significant progress” in the negotiations, such Khalilzad claim.

I encourage the Taliban to show their afghan’s will, and accept the afghan people’s demands for peace, and to start serious talks with the afghan government, he said in a TV speech.

– We want peace, we want it quickly, but we want a plan, î said Ghani.

Trumps three conclusions about the united STATES in Afghanistan Video Unquestionable values

The afghan president assured its citizens that no peace agreement is possible without his and the government’s complicity.

We are determined to bring peace and prevent possible disasters. There are certain values that are unquestionable, such as national unity, national sovereignty and territorial integrity, he said.

Ghani la last year, even before a draft peace plan, which paved the way for the Taliban could become a part of the political life in the country.

the Rebels did not respond on this measure, but let down their weapons in three days in July on the occasion of id al-fitr, the ending of the muslim fastemåneden ramadan. This is to date the only truce they have gone with.