“The united states one step closer to the new budget,”

“the Proposal is now forwarded to president Donald Trump.”

“the White house has stated that Trump intends to sign the proposal, and it would put an end to a two-month-long budgetkamp. But Trump has also announced that he will declare a state of national emergency, which, in turn, opens the door for a new battle.”

” President Trump will write in the draft budget and he will also as he previously announced to take other enforcement measures, including a national emergency, in order to ensure that we stop the national security and humanitarian crisis at the border, said White house presstalesperson Sarah Sanders on Thursday.”

“A state of national emergency means among other things that the president has the power to reallocate the soldiers and the military budget money.”

“But congress has the opportunity to challenge such a decision. Toppdemokraten Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives, criticizing Trump’s action and describes it as he tries to take a detour around congress.”

“Would Trump doesn’t approve kompromissbudgeten waiting for a new closure of parts of the american state apparatus at midnight towards Saturday.”

“In april last year, was the migration policy, when it was announced that zero-tolerance policy against illegal immigration. This means that anyone who illegally cross the southern border, are caught and prosecuted. During the financial year 2018, which expired on last september, was arrested near 397 000 persons for such crimes. It was more than 2017, but fewer than the last decade’s annual average of just over 400,000 arrests and significantly fewer than the record year of 2000 when over 1.6 million people were arrested.”

“During a period in the summer meant zero tolerance even be closer to 2 000 small children, who can not be prosecuted, and separated from their parents and placed in homes. It led to huge protests, and after a time stopped Trump the separations with a decree.”

“During the autumn did the president, several high-profile verbal slurs against so-called migrantkaravan with several thousand centralamerikaner who walked against the united states. Soldiers were sent to the border before their arrival.”