The welfare state renew” calls to the SPD. Well, 15 years after the Agenda 2010, the social Democrats want to correct the consequences of his reforming zeal: citizen’s income instead of Hartz IV, a child’s basic protection against child poverty and a basic pension without a means test. But how practical the proposals in the eyes of the Affected by it?

“the ivory tower” stands on the hand-painted poster in front of Berlin’s SPD Headquarters. And it may be just a bad coincidence, but the Willy-Brandt-Haus stretches in the first glaring spring sun, in fact, like a white tower in the Berlin sky. Artur dispute is not demonstrated here on a regular basis with a yellow high-visibility jacket, because the policy of the social Democrats is, in his eyes, in the sense of the poor. “ALG II, basic security benefits and the minimum wage is not enough in the back and the front” is on its charge to read font.

Artur armed pressed in pithy sentences, which drops him to the Chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, initiated the “Agenda 2010”-Reform, miss. The 59-Year-old lives since last year of basic security, so 424 Euro in the month. Although he is, as he says, have worked for more than 30 years of his life, hard, before standing him a comfortable pension. Predominantly self-employed or on a fee basis, the graduate diploma has organized a psychologist, consultancy and training opportunities in Berlin: 30 employees had his company once. Photos from happier days, to show him in a jacket and tie with Klaus Wowereit, the former SPD mayor.

After 30 years as a self-employed or honorierter psychologist Artur dispute in 2018. 424 Euro in the month. 1100 Euro would be fair, he says.

And now? Artur dispute is closely monitoring the Attempts by the SPD to the Agenda policy. What could help him in his Situation, would be the basic pension. If it were not for his difficult employment biography would be, in the proven, Jobs are missing. “I think I only have 30 years and a bit together, so in that respect … I’m not affected by it.” Therefore: to continue to demonstrate. “A basic backup of 1100 Euro, that would be in his case, fair,” he says.

“I’m definitely not gonna get by”

search for people, which the SPD plans to help leads to week-ends, also on the playgrounds of the Republic. Jennifer Prehm, with their three children in the Park in the Oberschöneweide. Currently, she is training, her Job as a geriatric nurse you can no longer make it as a Single: Around-the-clock shifts, and three children of their own supply, does not fit together with the best of intentions.

With around 1500 Euro to put you in the big city of the children. Essensgelt, Hortkosten, clothes for the kids to beat the book. Free all-day care would be financially and organizationally to help. Maybe the children basic security, both of which are part of the SPD concept.

With monthly 1500 Euro Jennifer Prehm tried as a Single parent to their three children in Berlin. A visit to the cinema is a rare luxury.

“the other day we were in the cinema,” says Jennifer Prehm. “Because you are going to blow 100 Euro, for a normal visit to the cinema.” A recreational activity that will remain for your family, rather than the exception. About their own old-age security, you can’t think. “I’m definitely not gonna get by”, she is convinced – and may yet put nothing back from your monthly Budget. What could make the policy, in order to relieve your everyday life? 500 to 600 euros more, it would have to be for you to come to a reasonably worry-free, through the complex everyday. “The people who go to work should be supported,” says Jennifer Prehm.

“one small step” in the right direction

parents having difficulties with their finances, in Berlin at the club ark. In the social tense district of Hellersdorf and the ark that is distributed free lunch to up to 300 students daily, including free recreational activities, there are here and holiday times. To offer help to the children directly, is the target of the Association.

the Board of management Bernd Siggelkow finds that the social state concept of the SPD was already a step in the right direction, “but only a little”. He criticizes how little holistic policy approach. Behind the social inequalities he sees in the families in his district, were holding really big problems, which continued from Generation to Generation.