“The western world has had a too naive view on China”

“China’s role in the world is about to be revalued dramatically.”

“we have Long had an overly naive view of China’s global power ambitions.”

“the Alarm clock has started to ring and it is growing as not only snoozing and sleeping on.”

“It is difficult to say exactly when the transformation took place. The warning signs have been there for a time.”

“China is ignored, the judgment of the International court of arbitration in the Hague in 2016, which established that China does not have any historical right to a number of island groups in the south China sea, which is also a number of other countries making claims in. Now, China is building out some of the islands on the artificial path and establishes military bases there and threaten its neighbors.”

“four years ago started the book publisher to disappear from Hong kong. They gave out books that displeased the regime in Beijing. Months later they came up in chinese tv with forced confessions of ”crimes” they committed. One of them was the kinesiskfödde Swedish citizen, Gui Minhai, whose case, in the last week brought so great hullabaloo.”

“When the state starts to engage in international kidnappings of other countries’ citizens have a limit had been passed, which shows the arrogance of the chinese dictatorship and the feeling of impunity.”

“But it is only in and with the debate on the chinese telekomjätten Huawei and its involvement in the build-out of 5G networks in the western world as the volume on the alarm clock reached deafening levels. “

“There is talk of backdoors in the technical systems that China would be able to use for the interception of communications on a large scale and to damage vital functions of the society in the west. The evidence for this is still vague, but a new underrätelselag in China are forcing all chinese citizens and companies to act as spies for the state still means that just the suspicion threatens Huawies future of the west.”

“It is a healthy sign that the questions at least asked.”

“only a year ago, had local politicians dollar signs in their eyes when China wanted to build a harbour in Lysekil. The security policy aspects thought not over. Today, the aningslösheten as mind-boggling.”

“turned a blind eye to abuse”

“China has long been painted out as a future superpower. But basically, the west has not been particularly concerned. China is a communist one-party state, but they embraced capitalism, so has almost everyone assumed the jättelandet would, over time, abandon the ideology that, in practice, was pronounced dead with the fall of the berlin wall in 1989.”

“Slowly but surely, China would turn into a democracy. The more contacts with China, the faster it would go. A setting that is been driven by our views on China as jättemarknaden that in the future will buy western products.”

“All have turned a blind eye to chinese abuse because of the financial gain and hoped for democracy.”

“the Development shows that there has been an unrealistic dream.”

“President Xi Jinping has, since he’s at the party congress in 2017, made himself president for life pulled the thumb screws. “

“All political opposition is now banned. Fighting for the human rights of imprisoned or silenced in the current band. Xi Jinping is building up a cult of personality around himself that we have not seen since the Mao Zedong days. When he comes to visit out of the country is usually the state of the tv cameras capture how all smile and applaud enthusiastically. You get the vibe of north Korea.”

“China treats especially small countries with open contempt. Sweden must not put itself in the Gui Minhais cases. He is a Swedish citizen is immaterial. No meddling with impunity in what China sees as its ”internal affairs”.”

“China is no longer content with economic domination. You also want to have political sovereignty.”

“the Development has played Xi in the hands of an unlikely way. The united states under president Trump has abdicated that superpower and have on a plate left over, the possibility for China to take over.”

“Xi Jinping has not hesitated to map out China’s road under the leadership of the communist party. If 15 years of being a superpower on par with the united states. But not one where citizens are free to express themselves. Without a superpower where there is a small knob that determines where the rest shall obey.”

“To obey the will also be increasingly international role vis-à-vis China. “

“We have to subject to add us or, together with the rest of the world to put your foot down now and show that we do not accept China’s new rules of the game.”