“The wolf in Tierp, sweden was poorer than normal,”

“The wolf that killed a deer in Tierp and then euthanized for behavior considered abnormal has obducerats of the national veterinary institute (SVA).”

“It was an adult male who had slightly less fat reserves than normal and perhaps an old injury to have caused the behavior.”

“Tierpvargen weighed less than 33 pounds and had older but completely healed fractures of two ribs on the left side. The animal has probably not been bothered by the injury in recent days, but it can be the cause of the wolf’s bad hull.”

TT: it Is the reason also that it has been so oskygg, that it was extra hungry?”

“– perhaps It could be something like that, but it’s just speculation, ” says Gete Hestvik, deputy statsveterinär at SVA.”

“She says that nothing can be said with certainty to explain the behavior have been found at autopsy.”

“In the wolf’s stomach was bone remains from a previous meal, and a very small amount of pälshår from deer. Not rarely get wolves fractures on the ribs of moose and other cervids which have defended themselves with kicks when they are being attacked – but if it is the cause of the damage to this wolf can’t say for sure, according to Hestvik.”

” That could be it.”

“the Wolf also had a number of lacerations in various places on the body.”

“– That you can think of is bite from an animal, ” says Hestvik.”