Now there is a Referendum against the two weeks ‘ paternity leave. This means that if the come about signatures really, is uncertain. For several weeks the three-month collection period had already elapsed, when last week the Committee was formed and with the collection of signatures began. Usually the opponents of a bill can register during the parliamentary debate at the Federal Chancellery in order to clarify the formalities and order a signature arches.

During the paternity leave, the the Council of States in the summer and the national Council in the autumn, have decided this is different. The reason: The SVP and the business associations, which reject the template, feel free. On the one hand, they are decidedly against paternity leave – on the other hand, you perceive signs of social progress: women’s strike, left, slip, polls indicate that sympathies in the population. And you seem to have trouble with the idea that to stand for months as opponents of paternity leave in the spotlight. Apart from the fact that the question is also in the associations and in the SVP itself controversial. Several SVP-national councils have agreed to the Two-week compromise in September, and also in the commercial and in the employers ‘ Association, there is Reportedly a minority that is in favour of paternity leave.

it is Understandable that the SVP has not been able to find, when she asked the industry and trade Association (SGV) and the employers ‘ Association, whether a would launch of them is the Referendum. Itself, the party apparently did not want the associations were opposed to.

SGV seeks President

Significantly, there are now two politicians, the draw in the fight. Susanne Brunner, SVP-member of the municipal Council in Zurich and until a few months ago, staff member at Economiesuisse, as well as SVP national councillor Diana Gutjahr, Vice-President of the Thurgau trade Association. The two lead the referendum Committee, flanked by Old-CVP national councillor Arthur Loepfe and the Young liberals Patrick Eugster.

Diana Gutjahr could also make the Swiss industry and trade Association career; her Name is called, when it comes to a possible successor to President Jean-François Rime, who is stepping down in the spring of 2020. Not only the party will play the question of a role (after years of the SVP and the FDP supremacy will raise the CVP to claim on the Bureau), but also the question of sex. The trade Association has never had a President, and now, Daniela Schneeberger, FDP national councillor and Trustee of Basel-land, and Diana Gutjahr, metal construction entrepreneur from the Canton of Thurgau are ready with our Vice-President, the same two possible candidates. The registration period runs until may 23.In December, the management Board receiving applications. Interested parties can register by yourself or by members of associations of port let.

The question is: is the Use of Diana Gutjahr commitment against paternity leave or not? The organized sector ranges from the CVP to the SVP and is divided on policy templates often, which has led in recent years to internal dispute. President Rime (SVP) and Director Hans-Ulrich Bigler (FDP) pursued a pointedly legal civil course, what some of the members to ideological and commercial district. The same groups also criticise the commitment of Gutjahr against paternity leave. In the sense of a careful consideration of the Referendum will not be displayed from a pragmatic point of view, says CVP national councillor Alois Gmür. Companies, which provide today a voluntary paternity leave, would be relieved by a state of solution. Positive was also that the employer will be supported with a financing through the acquisition of compensation by the employee, since both pay in the same masses in the EO-pot. And, not least, the paternity case to be of little weight, to engage in a voting campaign, says Gmür.

society is changing

That Gutjahr be taken in the Referendum, is to show him, that you would lead as President, the policy of today’s SGV tip, says Gmür. Others believe that it doesn’t matter for your chances as a presidential candidate, what makes you away from the Association activities.

FDP national councillor Doris Fiala, as Gutjahr member of the chamber of Commerce, believes it is possible that SVP and SGV wanted to give the Referendum in clever tactical intention in the hands of two women, not yourself, as the older men, the socially and politically popular concern for combat. “If this works, is open,” says Fiala. “The elections have clearly shown that the society has changed.”

Created: 11.11.2019, 23:02 PM