the COURT IN LYNGBY, denmark (Ekstra Bladet): A 61-year-old woman is today by the Court of Lyngby, has been sentenced to a year and 6 months unconditional imprisonment and expulsion from Denmark for 12 years.

the Norwegian-born Marie Madeleine Steen, best known as ’the woman with the heavy suitcase’ for a podcast of the same name.

today she was convicted for 22 cases of fraud committed in Denmark.

Of the judgment, it appears that there was gross fraud. The judge and the two lay judges laid emphasis on the fact that the woman had picked out the victims, as she had done, and that she had a long list of convictions behind them.

the Woman previously convicted of numerous frauds over the whole of Scandinavia, committed since 1992.

The Norwegian woman remained calm as the verdict fell after three days of trial against her, in which a total of 22 witnesses have been heard.

Prosecutor Nicky T. Petterson had before the judgment procederet that the punishment should land on a year and six to eight months of unconditional imprisonment.

Strafkravets relatively high level was due to the 61-year-old has one year suspended prison sentence with him from Norway, which, according to the prosecutor should now be triggered. In addition, did the prosecutor emphasize that the Norwegian woman had been punished in the past.

She has scored sentences 10 times in the past for a wide variety of fraud cases.

In the latest case at the court in Lyngby had Marie Madeleine Steen pleaded guilty in ten of the 22 fraud cases, but refused the rest.

After the sentencing stated the woman’s defender, to Marie Madeleine Steen appealed the judgment with the desire for acquittal.

Not once has Marie Madeleine Steen looked up – when the 22 witnesses have taken the explanation. All the way through the three days in court, she has been sitting with his eyes down, like she even has refused to provide explanation.