Trump, Ukraine, Brexit – the EU was busy in 2018, especially with the conflicts outside of it. A project, that the Europeans unite again missing, according to the expert, urgently.

if you meet these days, EU leaders, meeting in front of all, and hergerissene people. One of them, Elmar Brok (CDU), one of the leading members of the European Parliament since 1979. “If I would have said a three to four years ago, I would have answered: ‘I do not think it possible!’ But we have brought it into existence!” Is meant the Brexit-the exit process in the UK from the EU, at the end of a completely divided United Kingdom is a unified European Union.

on the Other hand, to return to the torn to be coming back, has not brought the EU in 2018-beyond-the-Brexit negotiations so much on the page: Okay, you could agree on a “Anti-plastic” strategy, also on ambitious new emission rules for cars, but actually quite a simple question for an end to the time change, drove the project with a clatter in front of the wall.

At the end of the Brexits divided the United Kingdom and a unified EU.

Driven by the world policy

in 2018, was for the EU to be a year of reaction, for example, US President Trumps part to a strange-looking strategies, or on Russia’s Zündeleien in the Ukraine. To Act against the EU in 2018. “I think the main problem is that a larger, common project”, says the historian Kiran Klaus Patel of Maastricht University. “A project that has traction so much that the governments, but also the populations of the member States, gather behind it, and that it can inspire.”