The member of the Parliament today, Monday, the consultation on the Budget in 2019. In the policy debate revealed that the design of the governing Council is generally positive: The Budget was prized as “solid”, “calm”.

but That should result in a total cost of 15.8 billion francs – a loss of 88 million francs, will not fit a majority of the Council. It is an important sign that the Canton of spending, than it earns, said about Marcel lenggen Hager (BDP, Gossau).

in the Black, thanks to flat-rate reduction

That the result is in the black turns, wants to achieve in the course of the forthcoming detailed consultation, the financial Commission (Fiko). With different applications, which are likely to come by given the current majority situation, it will improve the Budget in order to 235.6 million Swiss francs.

the bottom line, an increase of 147.6 millions of francs. The largest effect of the Fiko promises to be a flat-rate reduction request: 150 million Swiss francs are all over the place by all directorates-saved – the government is to be urged as a “restrictive implementation of the budget” and required a “renunciation of Desire”.

“budget discipline was, is and remains necessary.”Michael witness,
GLP-member of the Parliament of Winterthur

Because of the with the good accounts in 2017, gained room for manoeuvre slips again to be exhausted, said Peter Vollenweider (FDP Stäfa). “Budget discipline was, is and remains necessary.” Michael witness (GLP, Winterthur) warned that, without a streamlining of budget execution, the government would probably soon again be a saving program to develop.

And Jürg Sulser (SVP, Otelfingen) claimed that the output page will finally be capped – the black Zero will only be achieved, because the tax would be revenues currently so magnificent. But it is not a good policy, just the citizens and the SMEs, to pull more money out of your pocket.

Shorten according to the “principle of hope”

The left-wing Council considers, however, the announced flat-rate reduction request is not a good policy: So will simply put on the principle of hope, said about Tobias Langenegger (SP, Zürich). “Put the cards on the table and you say what services they want to cut”, he called on the civil side.

“Put the cards on the table and you say what services they want to cut.”Exposure of SP-a member of the Parliament Tobias Langenegger (Zurich) to the civil Kantonsräte

“a cheap budget trick,” said Kaspar Bütikofer (AL, Zurich). With the non-binding flat-rate reduction in the financial going to talking to perspective nice, but nothing change. A possible tax rate reduction that had been submitted to the governing Council for the year 2020 in view, could not afford the Canton, he said already in terms of next year’s debate.

financial Director Ernst Stocker (SVP) was in his opinion not long with the flat-rate reduction request. That the government should be encouraged to be a “restrictive implementation of the budget”, he is but superfluous: This is a permanent task of the government Council, said Stocker. “That’s what we do anyway – whether you press us now, in the eye or not.”

eight half-day sessions

the Parliament of The Canton reserved will now deal with the Details in the Budget in 2019. The left, on the Council side has already announced that it would reject the Budget because of the flat-rate reduction request at the end. You will find here, but in a bourgeois-dominated Parliament, not a majority. The Tax base is only set every two years – he is expected to remain so in the year 2019 remains unchanged at 100 percent.

at the same time with the Budget, the cantonal Council also takes the Consolidated development and financial plan for 2020-2023 (KEF). From its ranks 47, KEF received declarations, which will now be as non – binding suggestions to the governing Council paid.

The Budget will be adopted at the latest on Tuesday next week. Until then, eight are half-day sessions reserved. (sda)

Created: 10.12.2018, 16:39 PM