The financial accounting of a company receives an E-Mail from the CEO. In it, he asks you, an amount to an account. It’s urgent and secret. The employees trust their supposed superiors, the numbers and the money is in the hands of Criminals.

“CEO Fraud” is the name of this mesh. And she is one of many Scam variations, in which the economic crime Department is facing. Annually, there are more cases of fraud, says Andrea Höhener, the relevant Department head of the Canton of Zurich police Department . 2014 2400 offences, 2017 already 3300, and in 2018 are expected to be in the Canton of Zurich with a further increase. Since many cases are not visible, the dark figure is high.

Many companies don’t have to go to the police, because they fear a loss of Reputation. “It is important that you make a display,” says Andrea Höhener. Only the Canton of Zurich police Department could take action against the perpetrators and, if possible, refund. Discretion is the top priority of the Department. “We are logged in and not in Uniform,” says Höhener. to avoid

cases of fraud, must be also an open corporate culture. Otherwise, employees do not dare the end, the CEO will ask if you want to credit him some money.

perpetrators are often employees

In cases of fraud the perpetrator to build a building of lies to get money. “Digital is the easier and more anonymous, so there are always more crimes,” says Höhener. The biggest risk for the company are its own employees. They take advantage of weak internal controls, and the high level of trust. “More senior executives as a switch, employees are the perpetrators,” says Höhener. The “CEO Fraud,” the Department of economic crime of a perpetration in Africa.

in 2018, there have been more cases of money laundering. The banks are now heavily regulated. But the criminals find other ways. So the money will be washed, for example with crypto-currencies. The consulting firm KPMG, which has published yesterday a set of statistics for economic crime, estimated the total damage in the Region of Zurich for 2018 to 25.7 million.

The new technologies do not only help the fraudsters, but also to the investigators. The 53 employees of the Department of economic crime can analyze the huge amounts of data to evidence with the Tools efficiently. From many E-Mails, the systems generate rapidly a network of relationships. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 12.02.2019, 17:14 PM