The new Albisgüetli is an unheated Industrial building in Oberglatt. In the huge Recycling plant in Halle, the Eberhard AG, which is also not to be overlooked in the flurry of snow, the SVP-list celebrities on Saturday, their supporters on the super-election year with the cantonal and national measurement arch lengths. The great Absent: the national Council Roger Köppel, who had by surprise two days before, the whole party, by announcing, without consultation with his councillor candidacy.

No euphoria in the audience

Federal President Ueli Maurer has come. He knelt down for photos with children, talking about raw materials in space and upgrades in India, criticized the framework agreement with the EU, warned the Swiss “gilets jaunes” (“the more comes of it, if the citizens understand the policy”), and finally, be patient in addition to every single Young-SVP-member for images that will end up on Facebook. In addition, the Zurich municipal Council Roger Bartholdi in dog guide presented the jacket to be 85-pound Landseer males, posed in the back of the candidate at the end of the government Council Ernst Stocker, which should keep the most ardent of all the Speeches, and candidate Natalie Rickli with a changing SVP-Sünneli and ate around 400 guests Raclette and sausage.

at the same time heated campaign Manager Alfred army on a huge Recycling containers his sheep. “If we lose in Zurich, it’s not that bad for the Federal elections,” he warned. “I’m counting on you – it goes around my head. We cut bad, I’m beheaded.” Such direct messages are coming in. Nevertheless, no euphoria in the audience prevailed.

This was not only due to the cold. The SVP it currently has hard. Because of the desolate are on the one hand, local elections last spring, when the party post in the Zurich Parliament cities of every other government as well as every sixth parliamentary seat lost. Since the self-determination initiative, which came out in November in the Canton of Zurich only 32 percent of the votes, on the other hand.

The magic word

Gregor Rutz, the national Council and Vice-President of the cantonal party, had stylized before the vote, the performance of the Initiative as a gauge for the upcoming elections. Now he wants to know this as a Wake-up call understood. The party was previously asleep, something he said in the upper is smooth to the TA. The Initiative have mobilized internally, a jolt went through the base. Now, it is important that this momentum, said Rutz: “The party is better off than the media described.” Rutz made as well as army or party President Konrad long and hard, the lack of mobilisation of their own people for the electoral debacle in the spring, is responsible. The term mobilization is used in the SVP is always more to the magic word. Other reasons you don’t see. But how to mobilize? The difficulty of the task illustrated long and hard army in 5 minutes. So long said HART at the media conference before the Apéro, women and the elderly “dared to take at night less and less,” on the road. “Our beautiful country is being coarsened,” he said dramatically, and concluded that there is a need for more police officers.

Shortly thereafter, the army painted, otherwise not as nice speakers known, less black: “The Canton of Zurich, it is thanks to the SVP well,” he said. And: “The security is currently on a decent level.” Now what? In addition, the army also took unintentionally Natalie Rickli of the Wind out of the sails. They announced shortly after that to focus in your election campaign on public safety. “This is the most important task of the State,” she said. Rickli mentioned the controversial knife tech ad of 1993, in order to show that there is a need for provocation, in order to achieve something. The advertisement had paved the way for successful initiatives such as the Statute of limitations, or the pedophile initiative.

How will occur the SVP – rather à la blade tech ad, or on the line of the well-behaved, orange self-determination of ads in the autumn? “Somewhere in between”, said long and hard. Thematically characterized a concentration on tax issues and the social help – if you filter out the the Zurich subjects. Because most often, the SVP-protagonists talked about Federal issues, such as EU framework agreement, AHV or national Bank.

Specifically wants to reduce the Zurich SVP taxes from 2020 like the government to 2, but to 5 per cent. In addition, the health insurance companies should be deducted from premiums in the tax and AHV pensions tax-free. Ernst Stocker remained with regard to these claims cautious. On the sidelines of the event, the cantonal Treasury said, were that the project “would cost a few Hundred million”. The SVP wants to put on the social assistance of the screw, it has already shown several times, the last with a advance package, a member of the Parliament. For example, more than 50-Year-old, who have for years paid into the social assistance should be better provided as a former asylum seeker.

A campaign goal in Numbers, the SVP does not have, said the army except in the defence of the two government seats. In view of the municipal elections, you would be glad to keep the number of seats in the cantonal Parliament. The largest group of the SVP. In 2015, it had won 54 seats (out of 180), despite a 0.4 per cent more voters share the same number as in 2011.

out Calls for army Köppel?

The SVP-Slogan 2019 is “For city and country”. The city is expected to announce a re-conquest of urban areas – that’s where the SVP had recently lost particularly strong. Town and country also referred to the Kandidatenduo for the government, where Rickli for the city (Winterthur), and Stocker for the country – even if his place of residence Wädenswil, Switzerland is the sixth largest city in the Canton.

Whether there will be a special choice actions, such as telephone calls or ringing of the house doors, both of the SP successfully used in the medium, wanted to be Alfred’s army is not betrayed. “Otherwise, the other copy to us.” Also with regard to the most exciting question of the day the army was covering. In September, he had expressed his interest for a councillor seat. According to Roger Köppels scamper, he only said: “You can still apply until the end of January.” Councillor Ernst Stocker encourages the army to candidacy. He was an “excellent candidate for the Council of States,” he told the “NZZ on Sunday”. Koeppel wrote on Sunday on Twitter: “Would be great, if Fredi army to run.”


Created: 06.01.2019, 23:07 PM