– Yes, I got the message that there were jews in the area.
– And that we should come and throw eggs and blow.
How replied a young man in the Malmö district of Rosengården, since SVTs reporters seek him the day after, that there was heckled and thrown eggs against the reporter, who walked around in Rosengården wearing a jewish hat on.
Malmö’s jews have, for several years, told that they are being harassed when they go y street, and it has bl.a. got Hollywood directors to avoid the south of sweden, and Barack Obama to criticise the conditions. SVT, that is the DRs Swedish sister, has set itself to investigate as undercover jew:
Reporter: Why would you do it?
– For Palestine and all the murder that happens.
– We would like to make the resistance, but we can not since we are here in Sweden, continued the answer, and SVTs 55 minutes long documentary, which aired Wednesday night, has, therefore, been given the title:
The two reporters chatted subsequently on the broadcast, and many praised the program – but several also believed that the SVT blows to Israel-Palestine-konfilkten:
– Feel it in the will cook the soup on the hatred between palestinians and jews, writes a viewer who call ‘break me on your feature, and Anders is also not enthusiastic about the program:
In walked around one week and can show quite on the verbal attack.
– Your program has very much impact, and I would like to ask you, whether this image is representative, and how it is with your responsibilities?
Reporters respond in the chat:
– We got a number of reactions, and it goes on to describe it as a relevant problem.