Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach can no longer go outside without bodyguards. His car has to be parked in secret locations in Cologne suburbs. Even his children often receive “harrowing death threats.”
Lauterbach’s choice of words, who described in an interview how he has to live with all this, is far too harmless. Death threats, but also all other calls for violence, whether against people or things, are criminal offenses. Anyone who does something like this out of the supposed anonymity of the Internet should be punished. Basta. There’s not an inch of room for justification.
In our democracy, Lauterbach can safely be considered the worst health minister of all time. One may find one’s corona measures pernicious. The minister can be publicly accused of the fact that his horror scenarios hardly ever materialized afterwards. The dispute over this can be fought according to the civilized democratic rules of the game: with arguments, and also with exaggerations.
Lauterbach, who is anything but a great rhetorician, has nothing against such a lively debate. After all, he himself works with emotions more often than any other minister.
But there is not the slightest excuse for threatening harm to him or any other politician. And mind you, the thunderstorm of violent fantasies that Lauterbach is exposed to causes great suffering for him and his family.
For decades, after the political murders of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, Dutch populist Pim Fortuyn, Danzig Mayor Pawel Adamowicz, and bloody attacks on Oskar Lafontaine and Wolfgang Schäuble, we have had to get used to the fact that elected politicians live very dangerously. There are lunatics everywhere, and a normal life outside of armored limousines is no longer possible for any political celebrity. Bad enough.
If now, fueled by the anonymity on the Internet, it comes to the point where children also end up in the crosshairs of bloody threats, then this shows the full extent of the brutalization. All verbal violent offenders – that is, expressly including those who deny AfD politicians that they are human or, like an ARD commentator, want to beat populist “rats” back into their holes – should introspect and be ashamed. And the judiciary must punish the perpetrators. But will there ever be a way back from this digital deadening?