Orgasms me here and orgasms me that, in movies, in books, in porn and in the articles here, there and everywhere.

They are a little out of the neck, perhaps especially if you do not like the woman can even get them. And it is not so nice when it seems as if all the others get them all the time.

But you are not alone. There are others like you.

The british sex therapist Tracey Cox claims that approximately every tenth woman never had orgasm, and further has approximately every third problems with to achieve them. Cox alleges, moreover, that the anorgasmiske women can learn to have an orgasm when they first have acknowledged these things:

Sex & cohabitation Danish women: How to masturbate

A lot of women orgasmeproblemer the result of a bad cocktail, consisting of a strict body and seksualitetsforskrækket upbringing and lack of knowledge of own body.

Other ingredients in this cocktail is a shame, shyness and ignorance of sex, think Cox and claims that orgasms are not as easily accessible for some women, because women attach a lot of emotion.

So if, for example, you have learned that sex is wrong or dirty, will likely have the more strained to touch own genitals. And also she will have a hard time talking about them and about sex and orgasms with her boyfriend.

Many women who have difficulty obtaining orgasm or not can, also feel great shame about it.

So that they behave as nothing, both with girlfriends and the partner. It means that they go around and think that everyone else get orgasms easily and effortlessly.

And here it is so Cox’s claim that when these women realize that orgasm is a skill that one can learn with practice, is the first big step toward the holy orgasmegral taken.

Knowledge of the clitoris is essential: the Clitoris is and will be the starting point for most women’s sexual enjoyment and orgasm – solo and by sex. And here we are talking about the woman’s knowledge, for she must not lie and wait until partners GIVE her an orgasm, she must first learn how to take them.

Sex & cohabitation – 26. may. 2018 – at. 23:23 Sexeksperter give their tips for better masturbation

sex therapist Katrine Berling, who for many years has helped women to more and better orgasms with her yoniverse-courses, explains why the clitoris is so important:

– I often call our clit for a little energibooster, because not very much, until we feel desire, when we stimulates the. At the same time, it is also the place of the woman’s body, as most women orgasm from. Studies also show that most women only use their clit when they masturbate, says Berling.

– Klitorisorgasme is very distinctive by the fact that we often become very inflamed, ranging up in our body, and in orgasmeøjeblikket we do and get a nice relaxed feeling in my whole body afterwards. It is the form of orgasm, which I also will call for a climax. A moment where something built up and then released.

– If you want to increase the sensitivity in a different place on your body, f.ex your breasts, you can practice yourself by stimulating your clit and think about your tits and then vice versa. Back and forth. On the way you create new lystfornemmelser in your body.

Sex & cohabitation – 20. aug. 2017 – at. 22:21 How to get women orgasms

Therapist Signe V. Bentzen has previously given these tips to a woman who can not get orgasm:

– You need time to practise to touch yourself. When you are COMPLETELY alone. So you know that you have a good time and not be disturbed by your girlfriend. Put out to make it 2 times a week. Give yourself 20 minutes, where you do NOT go for to get the orgasm.

– the Time should instead be used to exercise you to touch yourself anywhere on the body, so it feels nice, delicious or even that exciting. Breathe as deeply and calmly as you can, all the time. Tighten up a little in your pelvic muscles and rocking your pelvis in slow, deep ‘bollebevægelser’. Find a quiet, sexy rhythm. If necessary, use a little music in the background.

– You can easily use any of your toys, when you have a handle on how your rhythm feels like. But keep trying to do something that just feels good. If you allow yourself NOT to come when you masturbate, then it becomes actually much easier to have an orgasm.

– In the beginning you might be unsure of whether you came or not, because the orgasms tend to roll across the top instead of explode. But keep training your pelvic muscles and to relax, while you are masturbating and breathe deeply and calmly, then you should just see the fun.

– But it requires training, and that you lean back and give place to the NOT to come.