Therefore, the growing chaos in our world

Our immediate environment seems to be getting increasingly chaotic.

the British may brexit to look like the Monthy Python sketch

What is it that happens?

It seems absolutely impossible to make any major decisions on the world and individual nations ‘ most burning problems. Many of the world’s leaders seem to have lost the willingness to compromise in order to push the development forward. Instead, it is only their own power and their own nation’s interests.

the EU has attempted to get to a common asylum policy for over two years and failed. Instead of solving the problem, the plan is to break out of the most difficult issues and shoot them in the future.

instead of a mandatory redeployment to talk now about those who want to go together on a voluntary system. The closest to a guarantee of continued chaos.

In Morocco reached 164 countries the other day about guidelines for the migration. But just, therefore, that the settlement is a paper tiger, and not legally binding.

just a few years ago, we lived still in a world of the second world war where countries joined together to solve common problems. Leaders appeared as statesmen instead of stand up comedian or arrogant emperor. Everything was certainly not fine and dandy but there was a certain common desire to bring about a better world.

Now, we see instead a self-destructive behaviour as if parts of the world affected by the death wish. Let everything go to hell so, we build something new and better, seems to be the motto.

the British people voted true for brexit, but had no idea how skilsmässovillkoren would look like. Now when they do start many suffer skrämselhicka. The result is an unlikely move where no one has the faintest idea what the final outcome will be.

the World looks on in wonderment, while the british were running their own nation in the bottom. A more apt ilustration than the runners who run aimlessly in all directions in the classic Monty Python sketch is not possible to find.

In France the protests against president Emmanuel Macron had Paris to look like a combat zone three weekends in a row. Macron backed off from their klimatskatter but it wasn’t enough. In a televised speech yesterday, he promised to raise the minimum wage with 100 euros a month. The question is whether we’ve seen a more blatant way to try and buy quiet. The bill will stop on the 100 billion, while France promised to keep its budget deficit below the EU permitted level of three percent.

the Combination of pay increases and tax reductions give a deficit of 3.5 per cent.

How would it look if France is violating EU budget rules, while the Macron and the rest of the EU barking at Italy’s new right-wing populist government when they want to implement their extravagant economic promises and at the same time reducing taxes?

Fully in line with the new tone that prevails even among friends, Italy has asked the EU to go to hell rather than to abide by the rules that they themselves had to approve. In the new selfish the world is the rules to be broken.

in Addition to all the instability president of the Trump has already created so has the united states at the ongoing climate conference in Katowice formed a pact together with saudi Arabia, Russia and Kuwait, which refuses to acknowledge the research results from the united nations intergovernmental panel on climate change. Result that says that anything over 1.5 degrees of warming will lead to a future climate where many places will be obeboliga.

In a side event to the climate conference encourages US in all seriousness that one should use more fossil fuels to solve the problem. It is called klimatrealism. This despite the fact that a virtually-ening research setting, year after year, presenting the scientific results showing that, primarily coal but also other fossil fuels is one of the main causes of global warming.

Normally the stable of Sweden seems to also not go free from epidemic to postpone problems instead of solving them. The party leader puts the obvious their own interests before the country. Everyone says they want to form a government as soon as possible, but after three months happening still, nothing. Except that budgetkaos waiting.

Why has it been so here?

A basic driver is a popular discontent, and anger which draws over the world, fueled by social media where most people just read stuff that confirms their own worldview. It is not trivial to trace where the anger is coming from but a not too wild guess is the increase in the disparities that have arisen in the world since the 2008 financial crisis and fueled by globalization and social media where most people just read stuff that confirms their own worldview.

the Majority of the western population it is still pretty but relatively speaking to the ten percent that have it best, they feel if not the poor as disadvantaged and unfairly treated. In addition, they have after decades of ever-better living conditions, have experienced a slowdown in standard. Many fear that their children will have it worse than themselves.

So angry is many that they are prepared to discard the traditional politicians on the sophögen and instead vote on the noisy demagogues who leave generous promises without taking responsibility for the long-term development. Often leans for these leaders to the authoritarian direction. They have very rarely any viable solutions on how new jobs will be created, better healthcare, more housing, and so on. But voters are willing to take a chance for the satisfaction to give the elite the finger.

four years ago, I interviewed the French economist Thomas Piketty in his shabby office in Paris. He was hot with the brick

Contrary to what many economists before him, argued, pointed out, Piketty that it does not work, so that wealth automatically trickles down from the richest and is distributed fairly evenly over the population.

Perhaps, as the world is entering a new revolutionary phase where the masses calling for an end to inequality but where the outcome is highly uncertain.

so far we in the western world, at least not in war with each other. I guess that you may be grateful as long as it lasts.

Britain’s most senior soldier, general Sir Nick Carter says in its annual analysis of the situation is that ”the constant confrontations” throughout the world recalls the situation that led to the first world war.