“Therefore missed Charlotte Perrelli ”So much better”reunion: ”pretty good reason””

“Shows up the newborn baby for the stars”

“Charlotte Perrelli absent from the reunion in the ”So much better”.”

“But the reason is good.”

“– because I’ve got a little baby, ” she says in a video clip, and shows off newborn son in the program.”

“Charlotte Perrelli, 44, had their fourth child – the second, together with her husband, Anders Jensen, 42, – at the beginning of november.”

“There was a little boy: Alvin Loui Perrelli Jensen. Alvins parturition took place in connection with the recording of the reunion with this year’s all ”So much better”artists. “

“Charlotte Perrelli involved, therefore, are not in the program – but will send however a cute videhälsning on the family’s latest addition.”

“– Hi everyone. I know that you have the reunion in the day and I had looked forward to it so much. I had desired that I could be there. But I think I have a pretty good reason to actually not be able to be with now. I have got a little baby, ” she says in the clip that will be shown to the artistkollegorna in the program.”

“A sighing, sustained ”Ah” is heard around the table when Charlotte Perrelli shows up the son Alvin.”

“Kept the pregnancy secret -”

“She revealed gravidnyheten on his blog in the summer, just before the pressträffen in the face of ”So much better”. Charlotte Perrelli has in past interviews said that she in recent years has suffered several miscarriages, which is one reason that she wanted to keep the pregnancy a secret to the last.”

” We felt it was quite nice to keep at it for a long time. With the track record I so did not know. Will this work? Will it hold, or I end in a situation where it does not is something?, she said to Nöjesbladet on ”So much better”-pressträffen.”

“In autumn, Charlotte Perrelli had to cancel her tour on doctor’s advice due to complications surrounding the pregnancy. The birth should have occurred with a planned caesarean then ”So much better”-the current singer is suffering from the condition vasa previa, where the umbilical cord is wrong.”

“Charlotte and Anders have struggled to get a child to. In his autobiography ”the Girl from Småland” that was released just recently, she writes about how she once again suffered a miscarriage, and the so-called missed abortions, where the fetus’s heart stops beating in my stomach.”

“So much better” airs tonight at 20.00 on TV4 and TV4 Play.”