Three Zurich Kantonsräte, the on 24. March have been re-elected, refused their office. This is Martin Neukom (Green, Winterthur), who was elected on the same day in the cantonal government, as well as to Nina Wenger (Green, Winterthur, Switzerland) and Therese Schläpfer (SVP, Hagenbuch), refrain for personal reasons.

Instead, the Directorate of justice and of the interior, has declared three persons other than elected, as announced on Friday. The 52-year-old Renate Dürr (Green, Winterthur) shall assume office in place of Martin Neukom. She was first a substitute person on the Green list of the constituency XIV (city of Winterthur).

From fifth to first place

The 32-year-old Florian Meier (Green, Winterthur) follows Nina Wenger. He was fifth replacement person on this Green list, and the office. occurs instead of the three substitutes to the previous, have dispensed with the assumption of the office

Instead of Therese Schläpfer, the 36-year-old Tobias Weidmann (SVP, Hettlingen) assumes the office. He was first substitute on the SVP list in the constituency XV (Winterthur-Land). Schläpfer is the successor of SVP national councillor Jürg Stahl, who is stepping down in June. (hwe/sda)

Created: 12.04.2019, 09:15 PM