in the summer of 2014 decided Siri Beach in Uppsala to ride a bike to the psykakuten. Then she called her old classmate from primary school, Emma Westas Rödin, who had moved to Stockholm.

Plan A was to hear of me to a friend of mine from high school, but her I did not get the tag in, ” says Siri. Then it was Emma. We knew both that the other was feeling bad, but not much more.

and Emma came to Uppsala. There, on the psykakuten, began something that became a strong friendship and a collaboration that led to the business Pillerpodden, with a podcast, lectures, training courses and now also a book: ”Snatch me up”.

It was in the eighth grade they met the first time.

– Siri came to our class, ” says Emma. We were different. I was quiet and unsure, Siri came in to the class as a ray of sunshine. But when we got to know each other, we saw that we were equally behind our different facades. We were quite close, but not tight.

Tight, was, however, after the meeting on the psykakuten.

“We previously had not been able to talk with someone else about how bad we felt,” says Emma.

– Emma was the first one I met who felt the same shame, ” says Siri. I didn’t think anyone else felt as I did. It was nyckelingången to our relationship.

such a great relief, ” says Emma. Then was seen, in principle, every day. None of them had any jobs, they felt too bad. They were often together at the home of Emma’s family.

” We were a bit like the siblings, celebrated christmas and easter together. There were friends who wondered where I had gone, ” says Siri.

Emma has, among other things, had eating disorders and depression. Siri has been depressed, been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and later borderline personality disorder. Both have been very and severe anxiety.

the Podcast ”Pillerpodden” was Emma’s and Siris’s first joint project.

It came about by chance, we had nothing to do, nothing to lose. We didn’t think anyone would listen, ” says Emma.

Emma Westas Rödin and Siri Beach. Photo: Magnus Aronson

many listeners despite the fact that the pod is not marketed in any way. It spread from person to person.

” We got a purpose and a responsibility. I started with antidepressant medication and eventually began to feel better. We began to get föreläsningsförfrågningar, one from our old secondary school, and tried to cook up our experiences into a lecture, ” says Emma.

“We longed for to embody,” says Siri. There was also a desperation that we wanted to understand ourselves. Then broke, we our model, the mental health the evil and the good circle, and how the vicious circle – both at the societal and individual level – can be broken more and more of the good.

Increased awareness, less prejudice, and openness is an important basis. Transparency leads to calls and calls to okunskapens contrast, knowledge, writes Emma and Siri in his book. Where they write about how they see their own and others ‘ mental health:

”It is damn unfair that some are doing poorly right now and the other not. It is difficult to make and difficult to change. It is only to realize that karma does not exist, and that there is no justice in life.”

go back and ”blur out” the way it has been. But it is important to understand that you are not always going to feel bad, mean Emma and Siri.

In the book’s introduction, they write: ”the Trip began on psykakuten and everything was good to the last, but there is so much we had to know when we were there. In particular, it is here that everything will be fine.”

We have fought for our suffering to be seen as equally serious as physical suffering. Is there anything that can alleviate the suffering you should take it.

Siri and Emma was 19 years old when they started the podcast ”Pillerpodden”, today is the 23. The podcast is still available, but today they are working two full time with a business with the same name, with the purpose to help other young people with mental health problems. They have, for example, created a model for voice – and knowledge communities is in the schools, they have held more than 300 lectures for students, staff, families and politicians.

” It all started in desperation, and we want to hold on to the ground. The business is built on that we, ourselves, recently, the dimensions of the mentally ill, ” says Siri. It creates trust, and it is important that we involve young people who have problems right now.

“Our dilemma is that the more professional we become, the more we risk losing touch with the reality,” says Emma. We are afraid to lose the vicinity. We have had a project where we started a pod with a 17-year-old girls.

amazing, think Emma and Siri. Where they can meet young people in their own channels, and make contact with people who describe their own experiences.

– we Reach out to the right 17-year-old, we reach more than a thousand, ” says Siri. We are working strongly to be where the young people are.

– When we asked young people what presses them, body image and other things linked to social media. All the others have it so good and are so stylish. But young people today are also good at ”clean” in social media and understand that there are other things behind it as it emerges from there, ” says Siri.

– It is very much about to talk about it, ” says Emma. We cannot go back, the social media is and will continue to be.

” It’s a little klyschiga but true ”You are not alone and not weird, it’s worth it to talk about it”. You feel bad now doesn’t mean that you will have it so all the time. And so that man should never be ashamed of how you feel, ” says Emma.

– Talk with an adult you trust, and keep in mind that you actually have so far managed one hundred percent of the anxiety in your life, ” says Siri. Many are afraid of anxiety, but we usually say that the anxiety is like a muscle, which can be tense or relaxed.

“a Little, it was enough to defuse this with medications,” says Emma. We have received comments about the name, type ”pillerknaprare”. Often forget to remove the purely physiological, which is all about brain chemistry.

” We have fought for our suffering to be seen as equally serious as physical suffering. Is there anything that can alleviate the suffering you should take it. There must be better monitoring of medication. For many, medication is a prerequisite in order to become better, and without my medication I had not been here now, ” says Siri.

– There are still prejudices about the ”happy pills” but the ones who have been with know that it does not work so, there is no quick fix. To assert it is to deny people’s suffering and take away from them their force.

Read more on mental health