Minister of Construction Klara Geywitz has contracted the corona virus again. A press conference on the housing benefit reform was therefore canceled on Wednesday. For the SPD politician, it is already the second corona disease, in January she also tested positive.

There have been three corona cases in the traffic light cabinet since the beginning of the week: Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (both SPD) are also infected and are isolating themselves. Both had called in sick on Monday.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has tested positive for Corona. Government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said he had mild cold symptoms and immediately went into isolation. “He seems to be fine,” says Leonie von Randow. “Olaf Scholz has also been vaccinated four times.”

Source: WORLD / Leonie von Randow

The Chancellor spends his isolation time in the Chancellery, where he has a small apartment. “From here (I can) go about my work well,” Scholz told the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”.

He takes Paxlovid on medical advice, Scholz said, to suppress the spread of the virus in the body. In terms of health, he is doing “quite well given the circumstances”. The infection seems to be rather mild.

He is sorry for the canceled appointments. “Now I’m using the time to get things moving internally,” said the Chancellor. Because of his infection, the federal-state meeting planned for Wednesday on the energy price crisis was postponed to next Tuesday.