After the Slating of the faculty of philosophy in Erlangen, by Gregor Schöllgen the answers of prominent scientists. Their view: “volume is not an indicator of effectiveness and quality.”

Olaf Przybilla, Erlangen, Olaf Przybilla

Born in 1972 in Wertheim, Baden-Württemberg, grew up in Bavaria. Study of German language and literature, history, political science, and sociology in Erlangen and Heidelberg. After the exam, a lecturer in modern German literature and literary history at the Friedrich-Alexander-University. Since 2001, correspondent of the süddeutsche Zeitung in Northern Bavaria, Germany, since 2008, head of the SZ-offices, Franconia, in Nuremberg, Germany.

Schöllgen send an E-Mail

What made the Leibniz-prize winner Heike Paul in the reading of the book by Gregor? “Just laughed,” says the highly decorated, Analyses, and must obviously keep to himself, not again in peals of laughter break out. The historian has Schöllgen to 275. Birthday of Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU), a book about the history of the University, submitted that in the crucial Parts, such as a coarse-slating of at least one Department reads: the Philosophical faculty, in the Schöllgen, 66, recently a Professor was.

Whether to call the book settlement, because Paul is the first Humanities Leibniz-prize winner in the FAU-history – not sure. A not be ignored, unfortunately: “The author cannot hide his vanity and his wounded narcissism.” What is so funny about that? “This is so predictable”, says Paul.

University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

anniversary book from kanzelt professors

The author named high school teacher of the faculty of philosophy as “intellectual small talker” or “TV preacher”. The University President is promoting the Band even. Olaf Przybilla

The scientist is one of 198 signatories of an open letter, the members of the University on schöll gene book “Knowledge in motion” to respond. The signatories to dispense in it according to his own more aware of the many “factual errors and personal defamation” schöll gene. Your understanding of science, but they want to – the colleague – like maintained

for example: “volume is not an indicator of effectiveness and quality. The public interest is changeable and does not allow immediate conclusions on the relevance of research.” Or: “Individual leaders” could claim “not at all, research directions in significant and insignificant, to classify and to formulate, alone, the ,big’ questions in your field and to answer.” What is Not one of the signatories is also important: “the number of publications but their quality is crucial.” And: “The times are over, as the research alone of ordinaries, Baymavi who were usually men, have been represented internally and externally.” What may not be explicitly there, but probably read: As Schöllgen was still a Professor, since that was sometimes different.

among the signatories of the letter, the Social psychologist Andrea include Abele-Brehm, Studies Antje Kley, the media ethicist, Christian Schicha, the art historian Christina Strunck, the German scholar Dirk Niefanger, the educational researcher Eckart Severing, the Islamic scholar Georges Tamer, the sinologist Michael Lackner, of the philologist Michele C. Ferrari, the sociologist Rainer Trinczek, the political scientist Thomas Demmelhuber and the linguist Mechthild Habermann – all of which are representative of their craft with beyond Bavaria’s borders-reaching Reputation. Also, Peter Dabrock, Chairman of the German ethics Council and one of the most common in the “tagesschau” represented the German scientists. He is also a member of the FAU. From the Department of history, where a Schöllgen recently and went out, two dozen employees have signed it. A lot more not there.

For the Leibniz-prize winner Paul “breathe this book a lot Yesterday”.

(photo: FAU/oh)

Dabrock is referred to in the book as “an intellectual Small-Talker”, a colleague as a “TV preacher.” In the Humanities, the mediocrity, dominate Schöllgen writes, you take care of the cultivation of cotton in Central Asia instead of big themes. All the departments have “adopted in the insignificance of” fell through “the roaring Silence”. The allegation of the former FAU President Karl-Dieter Grüske, Schöllgen I, of all people settled in a book to the Uni’s birthday “open invoices”, Schöllgen reciprocated on his private website in the meantime: “That I would use if there were they, two years later, to settle invoices in the form of a book, is a grotesque idea.”

The Leibniz-prize winner Paul is not acknowledged in the book down, even favourably mentioned, if also as an example of “the economy of the former Orchid subjects”. This is pretty much indifferent, because “this book breathes a lot of Yesterday’s”. There is, apparently, “difficult to keep step with developments in modern higher education landscape”. The aim of the signatories is to show that Schöllgen not for other speakers, but for the “own offended sensibilities”. And a is for you so clearly that it is her almost desolate: It’ll just go back to the ancient “masculinity discourse”. So best: laugh about it.