“This pulls the police out to save the ducks”

“A andmamma built to stay outside the police station was likely to get hit. But then, the police intervened and escorted the family out in the grass. “

“– mother duck will be, was perhaps not fully satisfied with us in the beginning but saw the happier when she safely got to swim out in the water with their chicks, owns Jörgen Jansson, external command at the police in Örebro. “

“For the second year in a row, a andmamma laid their eggs outside the police station in Örebro. The mother built a nest in a pot right outside, which can be very risky if you are a small and. “

“But then decided Örebropolisen to intervene. “

“Jörgen Jansson, external command at the police in Örebro, served the night to Monday, and caught sight of andfamiljen. “

“– at About half past six in the morning we saw how the mother duck will be started to induce the chicks to jump out of the nest, and we realized that it was time for the annual walk to any body of water. It was rush hour and the likely scenario had become fatal if we did not intervene, ” says Jansson. “

“”Remains to be seen if it becomes an annual tradition.””

“the Police caught the family in the kattburar and then escorted the little creatures safely out in the grass at a wildlife preserve, just like last year. “

“A very successful effort, according to Jörgen Jansson. “

“– No ducks came to harm, the mother duck will be, was perhaps not fully satisfied with us in the beginning but saw the happier when she safely got to swim out in the water with their chicks, “says Jansson, and continues:”

“– It remains to be seen if it will become an annual tradition. “

“On Instagram, they have shared the film, which is hailed by several followers. “

“”the Trust was taken seriously and, of course, helped the night shift to escort the mother and her cubs down to the water. Now she and her thirteen kittens in a safe place, and not on the road with a few dangerous road users,” write the police. “