Solskinsvejret lures many danes are in your bathing suit, but along the jutland west coast, the beaches are not crowded of people.

They are completely full of blue jellyfish. It writes

Blue jellyfish washes around in the thousands along the west jutland beaches, oz, DR, who have spoken with the scientific director and specialist in jellyfish Lene Friis Møller from the Fisheries and maritime museum in Esbjerg.

– There are many tourists in the day, so I hope they think about that it is the firefighters and not the jellyfish – in the water, says Lene Friis Møller in the television news.

She also notes that the blue jellyfish or jellyfish, as she calls them – not to be confused with red firefighters. While the red firefighters, as most danes probably know, can be up to 35 cm and by touch, gives a strong, but harmless pain, the blue jellyfish is rarely more than 15-20 cm.

Blue jellyfish is quite harmless, but you are unlucky, you could burn yourself on them.

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even Though the blue it is a rare guest on the Danish beaches, it is far from the first time that it shows its dome-shaped shell and tentacles along the north sea beaches.

Various factors make that some year suddenly pops up in huge quantities. Often have it with the wind and ocean current to make, since the gelatinous polypdyr not themselves can control, where nature leads the go, explains Lene Friis Møller.

She estimates that the blue jellyfish have washed around on the west coast for some days – and that they do not disappear again, just preliminary.

See also: Giant fish found on beach