“Three men will be sentenced for the record diamantkupp”

“Armed robbers hit a money truck on the Amsterdamflygplatsen Schiphol in 2005. Now sentenced three men to long prison terms for the reckless diamantkuppen.”

“the Robbers, dressed as employees of the airline KLM, threatened to diamonds and other precious stones to a value of sek 600 million. The stones would be loaded aboard a plane for shipping to Antwerp, Belgium. Then, they fled from the airport in värdetransportbilen and got away.”

“until twelve years later did the police a decisive breakthrough in the investigation of what is described as one of the largest kupperna ever.”

“In January 2017, arrested seven suspected perpetrators in Amsterdam and the Spanish Valencia. This after a police officer who worked with another case heard how the coup was discussed in a bugged phone call.”

“Two men, 54 and 44 years old, who both sat in the getaway are judged now in a court in Haarlem to seven and six years in prison. A KLM-employee, who supplied the robbers with clothing and helped to smuggle weapons at the airport, is sentenced to five years in prison.”

“A fourth person involved was convicted of a robbery attempt at another time and the two suspects acquitted. The seventh person, the league leader, died recently.”

“A part of the loot was recovered shortly after the robbery. But the rest, valued at around 400 million, has never been recovered.”