‘I would like to save three thousand dollars up of my salary each month… But I start next month, for now, of course aunt Odas birthday on Saturday, and there’s this new dress, and it is soon christmas…’
do you Know the above scenario?
Then it’s probably because you are like the average, who can best relate to saving money in the future rather than here and now.
But if we must be better to save up for retirement or what we want us most, we must take the power over our ’fremtidsselv’ back.
It explains the Wendy De La Rosa, who is a behaviorist at Duke University in the UNITED states, in a Ted Talk according to Science.dk.
Read more here, or see with in the video on the Science.dk, where she gives you three great tricks to getting better to save money.
As described above, we have people tend to think that it’s all going to be different in the future.
We think we will call more to our parents, lose us and save money.
“But we forget that our future self is very similar to it though, we have here and now,” says Wendy De La Rosa in the video.
to demonstrate this trend, made she and a team of researchers a series of tests, where the subjects were divided into two groups and received text messages about how much they desired to save, if they got the money back in tax.
one group received a sms, just before the they got the message from the tax authorities about whether they got the money back: ’If you get money back in tax, how many percent of them will you save up?’, stood there in the text message. The subjects in this group responded, on average, that they would save 27 percent of the money up. The other group received the same message, but just after , that the subjects had already received the money back. They wrote back to the scientists that they wanted to keep 17 percent to savings.
– thus, It is interesting that we are better to save up, when we think about how we respond in the future, than when we are confronted with the choice here and now. Therefore, we should commit ourselves to the wish we give to our future selves. You can do this by using apps that help you with opsparingsløsninger, calls Wendy De La Rosa.
The second piece of advice, as Wendy De La Rosa gives in his Ted Talk, is about to use periods to its advantage in relation to save up.
“It can for example be a new year, a new era in your life, a birthday or a new season,” she explains in the video.
For a sense, of that there is a shift, makes that we can more easily act to change our economy, think Wendy De La Rosa and refers to yet another test.
Here she was, and a group of researchers in an experiment with older adults, who should have the means to save for their impending retirement.
The elderly were divided into two teams:
one was presented with a advertising on social media, which read: ’Hi, you are getting older, are you ready for retirement? It can help to have someone to share the rent with’. The group’s advertising sounded; ’You are 64 and are on a little 65 years old. Are you ready for retirement? It can help to have someone to share the rent with’.
– The last advertising put up to a real and imminent change, and we saw this group far more clicks on the ad, and the elderly signed up for the husdeling, says Wendy De La Rosa in the video and adds:
– So what you can do, is to put a cross in the calendar the day before your birthday and make a financial goal that you undertake to keep.
Some of it, which often helps to make deep holes in the wallet, all of our daily purchases such as the to-go-coffee, sandwich for lunch and take-away-box for supper.
The purchase is very difficult to predict, because we’re often driven by impulses, hunger, social interaction, time pressure or the like.
this is Why it is important to put some framework for itself, which makes it easier to make a budget of how much money one wishes to spend on coffee and cafe visits, consider Wendy De La Rosa.
I myself have been very dependent on car-sharing and getting to spend too much money on them. Therefore, I removed my credit cards from my delebils-app and replaced it with a debit card (without credit, red.) with a fixed amount of. On the way, it was much more difficult to exceed the budget, she explains according to Science.dk.
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