NyheterDags for festernas festFoto: Jonas Ekströmer/TTNobelbanketten in the Stockholm city hall in 2017. Arkivbild.NEWS

today is the day for what is called the feast of feasts. The nobel prize shared during the afternoon in Stockholm and Oslo and in the evening take the approximately 1 340 guests place in the Blue hall of stockholm city hall in the Swedish capital. The entire event will be broadcast live and will be followed by hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

the Actual award ceremony will take place in the Concert hall, starting shortly after the clock 16. The laureates in the scientific disciplines receive their medals from the king in Stockholm while the nobel peace prize laureates Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad praised in Oslo.

this year is the twelve persons receiving the nobel Prize for their contributions to science and peace – three women and nine men. No literature prize is awarded in 2018.

After the ceremony, it’s off to the town Hall and the Blue hall, where the nearly four-hour long dinner begins with a fanfare and that honnörsbordets guests marching in just after the clock 19.

King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia of sweden may, in the years of sitting next to a nobel prize winner in physics. The queen receives the nobel Foundation’s chairman of the board Carl-Henrik Heldin to bordsherre and nobel prize Laureate Gérard Mourou on his right side. The king may, in turn, Donna Strickland as bordsdam and Evi Heldin at his left side.