SVT Used to+ FÖLJTittarilska against the children’s program on tv: ”Was shaken”PLEASURE

Michael Kleven was expecting a kid-friendly movie.

But in the ”Dreary rim” on SVT’s Used to executed little red riding Hood abducting two wolves and a pig with a gun.

” It was just a lot of violence. There must be someone who sits down and examines the requirements of the programme before it airs on tv, says Michael Kleven to Nöjesbladet.

SVT Used showed the animated film ”Dreary rim” at 19: 00 on Saturday night.

Michael Kleven , 44, from Eskilstuna positioned himself with his daughter Estelle , 3, 5. Pretty soon were shocked both by the content.

– It was guns and violence. It would imagine ”little red riding Hood and the wolf”, but was far from ordinary ”little red riding Hood and the wolf”. It was just mass violence quite easily, ” says Michael Kleven to Nöjesbladet.

”Dreary rim”, or ”Revolting rhymes” as the original title reads, is a movie based on the author Roald Dahl s version of the classic sagoberättelserna of Cinderella, snow white, little red riding Hood and the wolf, and Jack with the beanstalk. In the original score, makes the actor Dominic West the narration. In the beginning of the year, the film was oscar nominated in the category ”Best animated short film”.

Michael Klevens experience is that the film is aimed towards older children, and should therefore have been sent at a later time. He could be additionally desired a warning of violent scenes as well as information about the age limit.

little red riding Hood shot with gun

What was particularly unpleasant for her daughter, Estelle, was that little red riding Hood on three occasions fired a pistol, to kill two wolves and a pig.

– She thought it was nasty. She asked why they shot. You never know quite what to say. She didn’t think it was so much fun and I got a little jumpy. After all, they have read these books in kindergarten, but this was something completely different, ” says Michael Kleven and continues:

– I think it is awful. There should not be mass violence on a barnkanal. Then, it is no wonder we have the society we have today, where you take up arms as soon as there is something that is not as it should. Given today’s firings shall we not bring up the next generation with weapons also.

1 of 4 | Photo: PrivatMikael Kleven, 44, and her daughter, Estelle Kleven, 3,5, from Eskilstuna, sweden.

Michael Kleven took immediately contact with SVT, referred to the fact that the film does not portray the Betvakti classic story of ”little red riding Hood and the wolf”, but is Roald Dahl’s version of the tales. When he called back five minutes later, another person submitted a similar complaint as the one who received the call on national television, ” says Michael Kleven.

”Totally worthless”

– I think it is completely worthless. I can’t in any way understand how they take in this kind of thing on a barnkanal. There must be someone who sits down and examines the requirements of the programme before it airs on tv. Or, it could have been later in the evening, when the small has subsided. This was when we held on to unwind lill-girl. It was bedtime for her. It was, on the contrary, instead, because it was made as a children’s film but with adult content.

SVT confirms that the viewer has responded and heard of regarding ”the Dreary rim”, but if it is the occasional e-mail.

”the Reason we bought the movie for February is that it is an absolutely stunning depiction, a classic written by Roald Dahl and a free interpretation and mashup of little red riding Hood, Jack and the beanstalk. Our stud is based on the Lennart Hellsing s Swedish originalöversättning,” writes the Pontus Torpvret , responsible for the purchase of SVT’s children’s program, in a text message, and press that the film received awards at the Bafta and the Annie award and been nominated for an Oscar.

SVT: ”A family film”

”the Film is a family film, but can be a bit scary and, therefore, selected to be between 19.00 and 20.00, as February ends send 20.00. We are happy to show it here in February. It is fantastic, but maybe not for a 3-year-old.”

the Film is now on SVT Play and Barnplay, without warnings about sensitive content, or intended audience. According to Pontus Torpvret will the program information be clarified.

”There is no direct age limit, but for safety’s sake, we will from tomorrow, Monday put a recommendation in front of the transmission and limit the availability on the web”, he writes further in the sms.

Events on the SVT that made headlines 00:43